The Tragedy Of Hiram Abiff

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     Ali Abiff opened his eyes to the light entering through the window opening, he rose from his bed not remembering the dream from the night before, the sky was blue and clear, and the heat already tainted the perfect morning, he scratched his bearded face when his eyes rested upon a majestic black horse, packed and ready to undertake a long journey, he recognized it's belongings, they were his brother's things, a noise from within his home startled him, he turned to face the opening to his chambers, he grabbed a Jambiya from a nearby table and slowly approached the hallway.

     Ali stepped with caution as the rustling of garments could be heard from his brother's quarters, "Is that you Hiram?" inquired Ali.

"Yes brother" Hiram replied, Ali entered the room to find his brother drenched in sweat pushing garments into a sack, "I'm sorry to wake you brother, i meant not to disturb you"

"What are you doing Hiram?" asked Ali with concerned, "I have to go away brother, i cannot stay here any longer"

"You are to be selling our camels at the Bazaar brother, we need the gold to pay our debts" commented Ali, his response was a bag of coins shoved in his chest, "I sold them brother, take the coin they are of no use to me, i have taken my fair share from the sales, you may count them if you doubt me"

     Ali looked at the bag in his hands, "there's no need brother i always could trust you, why are you leaving Hiram?" 

"Something happened today at the Bazaar...i...i must leave"

"What happened?" inquired Ali, a frown adorning his features, "I sold the last camel to a wealthy landlord, then...then i saw him...the old man dressed in black" tears welled in his eyes, Hiram turned and closed the sack, slunging it over his shoulder pushed past his brother, "Wait Hiram, what old man?" Hiram stopped by the entrance to their home, he turned slowly; his form silhoutted by the morning light entering from behind him.

     "He was death brother, death came for me" Hiram exited the home and headed for his horse, Ali followed him and stopped him beofre he mounted the beast of burden, "Tell me what happened brother, what do you mean he was death?" Hiram took a deep breath before responding, "He was looking at me with wondering eyes, i didn't recognize him because he was far away but he stared at me for a long time; then he came closer, i could feel the coldness as he approached, then he spoke to me...i wish not to remember his face, i will go far away where he could not find me"

"Whare would you go brother" asked Ali with intrigue, "If i leave now and i ride until nightfall i can reach Baghdad by tonight, i will find someplace to rest, then in the morning i will leave this lands, never to return, i love you brother, and i'm sorry for this; i hope you understand i must leave" Hiram did not wait for a reply, Ali stood there confused as he saw his brother ride away into the edge of town then dissapeared behind a cloud of dust created by the horse's hooves.

     Ali was nervous as he entered the main hallway of the covered Bazaar, he walked passed rows and rows of vendors, hundreds of people gathered purchasing and trading goods, it was a typical day of business, he held his Jambiya under his garments, careful to not draw attention to himself, he looked about but not for any goods, but rather for a frightening old man dressed in black, he knew not what he would say to him if he found him, nor if he would find him at all, as he neared a corner he saw a man dressed in black hidden between stalls of fruits and other consumable goods, he approached cautiously as the older man smiled at him and greeted him with a nod, "Hello Ali, so good to see you" spoke the old man with a soft tone, seemingly appearing nothing like what death should look like.

"Are you death?" asked Ali with a trembling lower lip, "Why do you ask such question?" inquired Death, "My brother Hiram Abiff said he saw you, that you spoke to him; it frightened him a great deal"

"Perhaps i should have explained to him why, but he ran before i could say more" Ali felt a cold shudder run up and down his spine, "What did you say to him?"

"Nothing much, i was just surprised to see him here at the bazaar that's all" Ali frowned at the comment, "And why would that surprise you, we sell the camels we breed here all the time" Death smiled faintly before responding, "I was surprised to see him here, because i have an appointment with him Baghdad"

The Tragedy Of Hiram Abiff-(Written By Federico Garcia-Lorca)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें