Give a Little To Receive a Little

Start from the beginning

  He growls lowly at me, and storms over to my side. "Tatia," he begins quietly, "shut up!"

    "No!" I say. He doesn't reply to that, so I think of something else to say. "A few minutes ago, when I was unconscious from you snapping my neck, I had a dream. It was of me and you," I look straight at Kol as I speak. "But I don't think that that dream just came magically. I think that you made me dream it."

     Kol clenches his jaw tightly. "What?"

"Don't play dumb," I roll my eyes, "you made me dream of that. My only problem is that although it was a dream, I think that it actually happened before. I just can't remember."

    "Tatia-" he pauses momentarily, because the sound of Bonnie's shoes fills our eardrums. She's coming back. Kol looks back to me, and the words come rushing out of his mouth. "You're right, I did make you dream it. And yes, it did actually happen," he puts one hand on my neck quickly, "and don't take this personal or anything, darling, but I'm going to have to snap your neck again." My eyes widen, but before I can move away, he speaks again; "but you'll have the same dream again- and it'll explain everything." Just as the door opens and Bonnie steps in, Kol snaps my neck, and I'm

brought back into the darkness.

"You'll have me all to yourself?" I ask with a smile. By this point, Kol was standing directly in front of me. If one of us were to move in any more, our lips would be touching.
   "Yes, I would," he says, and his smile falters slightly. "But that would be going against my brothers, because they love you."
     I look at him, and quickly I bit my lip. "I understand."
   "No you don't," he sighs and takes a step away. "You don't understand my feelings for you, Tatia."
My eyes widen at his words. "What? Kol, what do you mean?"
     "Tatia.." his hand falls on my cheek for the second time, and his eyes gaze mine. "I'm in love with you. When I'm with you, I feel complete, like I have everything. But my brothers also love you, Tatia, and I can't be part of all of this."
     "Kol," I whisper, and my hand finds his. "Th-this isn't right. None of this is.."
"I know it's not, Tatia," he whispers back. And for the first time since I've met him, tears form in his eyes. "And that's why you can't remember this." His eyes are locked on mine, and I nod at his words. "You will not remember what I told you. As far as you are concerned, we are just friends. Close friends."
  I blink once, and when my eyes fully open, I'm alone. I look around the room slowly, my mind becoming blank.

"Why did you snap her neck?" Bonnie asks Kol when I come to consciousness. "Did she try to escape?"

     "No," Kol tells her, and my eyes snap open. "She was just annoying me; so I snapped her neck." Liar. He had finished showing me the dream- no the flashback. All those years back, he had compelled me to forget that he loved me. So why was he doing this now? What is his plan?

     "All right," Bonnie sighs warily, "let's get on with this."

    I sit upright as Bonnie moves over and pulls me up. "What are you doing?" I ask.

    "I'm doing a spell that will explode your heart, sort of like a bomb," she tells me. "When the two minutes are over, your heart will explode and you will be dead."

     "Are you serious?" I raise an eyebrow. "Just stake me."

"No," she says. "This is the way we're doing it."

     "No. We're not," I growl, and jump towards her. Before I even reach Bonnie, I'm on the ground, and my head is beating like its on fire. "S-stop!" I manage to spit out.

       Suddenly, the pain is gone, and Bonnie is lying on the floor with blood on her neck. Kol is standing above her, and blood drips from his lips. "Get up," he orders, and his voice is so powerful that I obey him.

    Kol stands in front of me, and he wipes the blood away from his lips. "She's not dead, so we better get going before she recovers," he tells me.

    "W-What?" I ask with wide eyes. "Why did you help me?!''

      "I was never going to let you get killed, Tatia," Kol rolls his eyes. "Weren't you paying attention to the dream?"

     "Yes, I was," I tell him, and my eyes drop to the floor.

  "Then you should know that I'm never going to let anything happen to you," he says quietly while, with one finger, lifting my chin up so we were making eye contact.

     "Why not?"

Kol let's out a soft chuckle. "Because, darling, I love you."

     I let out a gasp. "That's good.. because I love you too."

  Relief washes across Kol's face, and then he smiles. "Good." Then he leans in and presses his lips to mine.

   It took me a long time to figure it out, but it's not Klaus or Elijah that I need. It's Kol.

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True Love Comes Unexpectedly - A Kol Mikaelson Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now