"I forgot to mention," Rachel started to speak, "Remus has quidditch hoops that levitate, so we can practise."

"Why on earth would we want to practise?" Harry asked, as much as he loved quidditch there wasn't much point in it seeing as they couldn't play at school.

"Don't want to be slacking for next year do you? No doubt that Angelina will be captain and guaranteed she will be on our backs if we don't do well." Rachel lent against the window as the train pulled out of the station. "I want to stay as a chaser, it's the best position in the game."

"I'd disagree." Harry smirked. "Do you know how honourable it is to catch the snitch?"

"Ah, you're such a glory hunter." Rachel teased. "But nothing beats getting quaffles behind a keeper. Makes you feel somewhat superior."

The train trundled along the tracks, the Scottish scenery flashed past in blurs of colour, the rhythmic chugging filled the silence, making Rachel and Harry both feel very sleepy. In fact, Rachel was just dropping off before the whistle sounded as they passed through a tunnel, instantly waking her up. Harry laughed opposite her.

"Shut it, Harry." She grunted, shifting in her seat.

"Do you remember when we all called you Howler?" Harry commented.

"Oh yeah!" Rachel sniggered. "Heck, that didn't last very long did it?"

"It was quite funny when Ron came up with it, I thought it was hilarious." Harry sighed, thinking back to that evening.

"Isn't the trolley lady coming soon?" Rachel looked to the door.

"Should be..." Harry turned to look at Rachel who was now looking at him with a smirk.

"Rock, paper, scissors, whoever loses buys the other person sweets." Rachel proposed.

"You're on." Harry then challenged, shuffling forward.


Rachel looked down at the hands, her fist was clenched into what was a rock. Harry's hand was shaped like scissors. She rose her head triumphantly, leaning back into her seat. Harry grunted, reaching into his pocket for some loose change as the familiar trolley appeared by the door.

"Anything from the trolley, dears?"

Many hours passed and soon enough Rachel fell asleep, her face pressed against the cool of the glass. Several times, Harry fell asleep before waking up again, a tinge of pain lingering where his scar was. He looked over to Rachel and noticed her wincing as he did. Perhaps she was having a bad dream, just like he seemed to have every now and then. But eventually the pain dulled as his head rested against the padded cushion of the chair, just in time for them to arrive in London.

Platform 9 3/4 came into view, the platform was filled with various people, waiting for the gleaming Hogwarts Express to arrive. The station itself was bustling with muggles, the odd wizarding couple trying to run through the wall and arrive in time for their children to step off the train. The whistle of the train blew as it came to a slow halt and almost immediately, students were spilling out onto the platform to grab their trunks and find their way home.

Harry leant over and nudged Rachel, waking her up. Groggily, she rubbed her eyes and stood up, making her way off the train, Harry following closely. Hardly anyone from their year group and older and left, many young students were leaving Hogwarts to see their parents after being homesick and the odd older 7th year was escaping the dreaded thought of studying for N.E.W.T's by going home.

The twins stepped out onto the platform and headed to grab their trunks, dodging the ever so excited 1st years who had spotted family and friends. Grabbing her trunk, Rachel turned to look at Harry with an anticipative grin.

Mischief - Book Two of the RP SagaWhere stories live. Discover now