Chapter 2

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Khonjin jolted awake.

"What the ever living SHIT."

It's been two years. Two GODFUCKING years, what?

Khonjin got out of bed, feeling a bit weary from his nightmare. It was 6 in the morning. He didn't bother to change from his pajamas. He just got out of bed and opened his Twitter. Sure enough, a spooky yet not posted message awaited him.

Do you remember me, Khonjin?

"Holy shit, holy shit, get away from my computer. You fucking thing. STOP."

He huffed a bit. Who??? Is that??? And what are they doing, talking to me through my own laptop? Is this laptop being hacked??? ...By some creepy old guy?

And then the message erased itself. The keys on his laptop tapped quickly.

That's not very nice of you. I only asked you a question.

"What the- The keys. What. Where are you?"

Rather close to you.

"Wait, what?"

Yeah! I could probably reach out and, maybe... Touch you?

"I- No- Stop... You're scaring the shit out of me. Whoever you are, show yourself."

Ehhhh, I'll hold off on that. I think this is a  good enough way to talk for now.

"No, I want to know who you are."

Already? We're not even that far into the story.


Never mind. Anyhow, if you saw me, you'd probably remember me.

But you never saw me.

I mean, you did, a long time ago.

But you probably don't expect that I'D be talking to you.

If you want to know who I am, I'll give you a hint.

"Uh, please do. Maybe then I'll get some understanding as to WHO THE FUCK YOU ARE. And WHY you're HERE."

Well, I'm dead.

"Wait, what-"

And guess why?

"....W-Why...?" Khonjin backed away from his laptop, as far as he could where he could still read these unsent tweets.

Well, it all started that fateful day.

Maybe you remember it.

Remember that day?

We were all in the void together...


"What?" Khonjin had a thought buried in the back of his mind, but he didn't bring it up.

You know, when I died? You should remember.

After all, you killed me.

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