Kiriko X New X Friends

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Gin and I were finally on our way to the exam site and so far we have traveled around 10 miles in the 10 minutes that we have set foot on our trip. With being trained by the Pterolykos I have gained the speed of them and that is really fast a grown Pterolykos can go at least 5 miles in a minute as you can tell I can only go about a mile a minute but that is also because I am a human, I could go faster and keep that pace but Gin can only go a mile a minute so we went at that pace. We have finally reached the human village that was the closest to our den in the mountains. It is the same village that our father heard about the Hunter exam. It is not that heavily populated only about 200 - 230 humans live in it.

I looked at Gin and see that he can still go on so we go around the village and keep going. We have been running for almost 360 miles (I had to carry Gin for a fraction of the time because he got tired and we also made a stop to get some fresh fish from a pound) and we were almost to the ports where we would get onto a ship to the exam site. Normally a Pterolykos would fly most of the time so they are not seen but 1) I don't have wings and 2) Gin is only 6 and he can't fly yet. Normally a Pterolykos can't fly till they are around the age of 8-10 years old, a Pterolykos also has a small body till they are about that age so it makes sense that he can't fly, with his small wings and his small body that is not strong enough to hold his body in the air. When we got to the port we quickly get onto the ship and go to the deck. When we got on the ship a lot of people were staring at us and I know two reasons why 1) a 12-year-old girl is heading to the Hunter exam and 2) I have a Pterolykos pup with me. We ignored them and went to the top of the mast and stayed there while we were up there we fell asleep and apparently missed a big storm. We were trained to be on edge but we took this opportunity to have some much need rest. We woke up to the captain calling to us and we went with him.

"What is your name, little girl?" He asked kindly.

"I'm (Y/N) Handa, nice to meet you, captain, " I say with respectfully.

"Can you tell me something?" He asked.


"How did you come upon a baby Pterolykos?"

"I'm not a baby!" Gin barked at him.

"I didn't stumble upon him and don't call him a baby he does not like to be called that and he is 6 years old so technically he is not a baby" I informed the captain.

"What do you mean you didn't stumble upon him?"

"I was raised by a Pterolykos family, sir. When I was just a baby my real parents left me in the woods and that is where they found me and took me in as their own. Also, this is my little brother Gin" I say pointing to Gin. The captain looks shocked by this and then laughs.

"Ha, out of all my years taking people to the Hunter exam you sure are a unique kid"

"Sis, when are we going to be able to run?" Gin asks me.

"When is the ship going to enter the port? Gin is getting anxious"

"In a little bit, we are almost there"

"Just hang in there a little bit more okay Otouto-chan (little brother)" I tell him while petting his head which is down in a pout.

"That is a good thing that you can communicate with him, can I ask you one last question?"


"Why do you want to take take the Hunter exam?"

"Well my father told me that he heard that the exam would be really hard and he said that this will be one way to test all my training I've had and Gin tagged along because he doesn't like to go places without me and it would also be training for him, and if I pass I'm going to use my new power to help protect all of the Pterolykos" I say the last part with determination in my eyes and voice.

*discontinued* Raised by Flying Wolves (Hunter X Hunter x reader)Where stories live. Discover now