the addiction.

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I'd known bam for a while ,《my name's Maxine Paige Travis but everyone calls me maxi》 we met when bam was doing some filming for the first jackass movie an inbetween filming bam had visited the skate park an by coincidence I just happened to be there practicing my board slides an  nose grabs an ollies an well yeah we ended up talking after  one the most embarrassing moments of my life when I noticed him coming over to the half pipe I was on an cause obviously I knew who he was I mean I didn't live under a rock an bams skills on a board are stuff of legend .. I totally froze on my board causing  me  to go into a pretty hard slam right in front of bam I seriously could of died at that point metaphorically speaking not literally I  didn't slam that hard. An well yeah the rest is history I guess we just sorta became friends I have to admit he's pretty cool.
Sadly Though not everything is all smiles an rainbows in life an shortly after this maybe a month or 2 later my dad died unexpectedly an caused a lot of feelings an such to be brought to the surface an at first I was doing alright trying to cope with it best I could then one night I got into a heated argument with my  step-sister where we both said stuff we didn't mean but I guess it just got to me more cause the next day I was shooting up on heroin cause somehow I felt that I needed it that  my future happiness depended on it an that the only way for me to make it to my next tomorrow was to get high an fly into it .

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