{Avenged Sevenfold} Help me Find My Way {Book 2} [7]

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"I'm gonna go work on the room some more. I talked to Mick he's gonna have everything he's got in so far delivered tomorrow and Jason's coming over to help me set it up."

"Um...Andy isn't going to school tomorrow. I had Dr. Henderson write her off for two days when I called her earlier and I have work..."

"I'll call Zacky. I'm sure he can keep her busy for awhile."

"Alright then." 

We went our separate ways once we got in the house. I didn't want to tell her about the pictures of Jimmy. I hadn't had a chance to talk to her about why she had taken them down. I knew she still loved him and she always would. I had to admit there were times I could be jealous of the fact that I would never have her whole heart but I just reminded myself that if I had to share I was glad I was sharing her with Jimmy. My brother had given me his family to take care of. I know he approved. I could just tell. I don't know how else to explain it other than I knew in my heart.

I looked at the pictures and took my time creating the design I wanted to organize them into. I wanted everything to be perfect for Andy. Once I finished hanging the last picture I heard female voices in the hall. I paused.

"So...you don't look to sick Andy."

It was Delilah. I heard Andy sigh.

"I don't know what's wrong with me these days De. I actually hallucinated last night."

"You didn't take any of that shit that Lew  was trying to pass out at school did you?"

I felt myself tense at the mention of her experimenting with drugs.

"Hell no! I was just sitting at the beach thinking...."

"And what a polka dot dinosaur pops up?" Delilah laughed. I had to grin. That girl could be so like her father but she had gotten some of the best traits from not just Brian but Chelle too.

"My dad."

"What?" Delilah practically screeched. I rubbed my ears. "Like your dad Jimmy?" 

I didn't hear anything but I assumed Andy nodded as Delilah continued, "So...like wings and stuff or what?"

"No...he looked just like he does in the last pictures of him. Not any older or anything and he just sat beside me on our rock and we were talking."

"About what?"

"Everything...he told me I wasn't alone and that he loved me and he was proud of me but I needed to let Matt into my life more because Matt loves me too."

"Well yeah..."

"You think Matt loves me?"

"Of course he does. I mean my dad has to input my shit in a PDA to remember where I am and what I'm up to. Matt....I think he has all three of you guys schedules memorized. Not to mention you know the chocolate peanut butter ice cream he drove like twenty miles to get for your seventh birthday."

They laughed and I smiled remembering how upset she had been when the store said they were out of stock. She had nearly cried right there in the ice cream isle.

"I guess I mean. It's just hard to remember that stuff..."

"When your mom is pushing you to bond with him?" Delilah finished.


"Have you told her that?"

"Um....." they both laughed again.

"Good point. Aunt Katie does tend to stop listening when you tell her she's going about it the wrong way."

I decided that maybe I should stop eavesdropping. I turned the light out in the room so they couldn't see any of it and then opened the door and walked out with my hammer and the extra nails.

{Avenged Sevenfold} Help Me Find My Way {Book 2}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora