"But Doc... don't you have some all magical healing medicine from Gallifrey that'll heal me?" I begged, really not wanting to spend the next few days in bed.

"But Ali... my name is the Doctor, and I've already put it on. One day in bed, and you'll be fine. no arguments, I've even supplied you with pens, paper and books"

"And my name is Alice! Kind of, anyway, you said you'd explain that later, how am I both me and Seraphina, though technically Seraphina because I'm a human version of her in hiding or something"

"Long story short, Alice Kelly Pond doesn't exist. You are Seraphina Dark as a human with a fake back story so that you could hide from the War. You're Time Lord self is inside here" he held up a watch, small and round with a circular design on the front. Something in the back of my head told me it mean Dragon Princes.

I took the watch out of his hand and examined it closely. Then dropped it when I heard my voice. "About time you showed up! Do you know how long I've been here?" The Doctor just laughed and picked it up.

"Yeah, you've been pretty talkative, mostly just saying riddles. You remember me though" I took the watch back off of him and felt myself disappear, just for a moment.

"Well, there's not pen inside here for me, is there Theta? Oh, you've redecorated in here, I don't like it" I gasped and gave it back to him. "That wasn't me! Theta... That's your Academy name, isn't it? I was Alpha and my... Brother? Yeah, he was Beta."

He nodded slowly. I saw a pinch of sadness in his eyes as they met mine again. "The top three of our class. And holding the watch, the real you can speak freely, instead of reaching out to you through dreams. Scary, right?"

I wondered if he'd ever used one before, turning himself human to hide from something. But why would he hide instead of fighting, he was the most powerful being in the Universe, surely he could just defeat them? "So, if I open the watch, I die and Seraphina takes my place?"

"No, you don't die, you become something more. You are already Sera in so many ways, all that would happen is you become a Time Lord and regain memories. More than you have already, anyway. But we can't open it, the buttons missing. I think your brother had it"

"Had? As in, past tense?"

He nodded slowly, real pain in his soft brown eyes now as he explained the Year that Never Was. "he was shot, in the end. By the woman he had manipulated into becoming his wife and lover. No regeneration, he didn't want it" I tried to remember my brother before the War, but all I could see was a dark man with a beard and black eyes. And he wasn't the kindest of blokes.

"So, I'm stuck as Alice? And, you're alone?"

"No, I'm not alone, I have you and Donna. We can find a way to open the watch, if that's what you want. I won't force you into becoming someone you don't want to be, we had that enough growing up"

"So, I'm coming with you? You really mean it?!" I asked, hoping it wasn't a joke.

"Well, I can't leave you on Earth, can I? Last of the Time Lords, travelling the universe with their companion? Sounds about right" he grinned at my expression. "What else do you remember, by the way. Of the Academy?"

I frowned again, remembering a beautiful glass dome with a magnificent building inside. The lessons began at dawn each day and didn't end until dusk, the seasons were always the same, either spring or autumn with only a day or so of summer and winter. I remembered laughing with a small boy with black hair and mischievous eyes and a tall one with sandy blond hair and happy, laughing eyes that were always on my, even when he thought I wasn't looking back.

"You. I remember you and my brother. And, you were my best friend. But, I think I wanted it to be more, and so did you. Kos never let anyone near me though" I nodded thoughtfully, remembering how he would threaten any guy who came up to me other than the Doctor.

"you, you, you wanted it to be more?" he stammered, his eyes hopeful.

"That's what I just said, douche bag. I thought you were supposed to be nearly as smart as me, anyway?"

"Oi! and until you get your memories back I am smarter than you so there!" he stuck his tongue out at me childishly and I did it back.

"Oh, of course. You wake up and start messing about" Donna laughed, coming into the room..

"Donna!" I laughed, hugging the fellow ginger. "Quick question, how long was I asleep?"

"About 7 hours, I went to bed once the Doctor brought you in here. How you feeling, after..." she trailed off, not wanting to say Jenny's name.

"I've been better. And I mean that physically and emotionally, I have a bullet wound in my shoulder. Guess what, I'm coming with you!" I squealed, making the Doc roll his eyes at us.

"I told you! Right, Doctor, I promised to teach you how to cook. The idiot nearly burnt down the TARDIS last time he made pancakes!"

"Yeah, thanks Donna, she didn't need to know that. Why is it gingers always have the most fun?"

"Because we're rare and awesome! You should try it sometime, I think you'd like it" I teased, knowing he'd always wanted to be ginger. "Go learn how to not kill yourself in a kitchen, I'll be fine"

"Are you sure? Because if you need me you shout straight away"

"Doctor, I'm fine, the TARDIS can look after me. Thanks for listening by the way"

"No problem. And if you hear a smoke alarm, close the door." the walked out of the room, discussing different types of pasta and the Doctor started a ramble on when he met the inventor. I picked up the watch again and heard my voice inside my head again.

"So, I love him even as a human, that's good to know. Have you kissed him?"

"Um, he kissed me. After our daughter died"

"DAUGHTER?! Holy cow, human me, you got further than I did in 200 years. What was he like?"

"Um, progenation machine, not that type of daughter. And here I am, literally talking to myself."

"Duh, how else are we going to get an intellectual conversation?"

"Very true. So, do you know where our brother put the button to get you out of there?"


"Didn't think so." I sighed and put her under my pillow. I thought about the Doctor and when he kissed me, and what Sera said about getting further than she had. Did that mean with Kos not here anymore, we could be together?

Hehehe, fluff :) Am not sure on whether or not I should do the Unicorn and the Wasp, comment yes or no if you want me to do it. If I don't it will go straight to Silence in the Library! Thanks Izzi xx

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