⚜️ RULES ⚜️

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Welcome to my graphic shop!

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Welcome to my graphic shop!

Read the following rules before you request! Just because you request, it doesn't mean I will accept it. I'll limit the request to 3 requests / week because I hate work overload.

Custom Request Status: Close
Premade Always Open

⚜️ RULES ⚜️

01. [ Only request for custom request when this book says OPEN ]
The requests made when it says close will be ignored.

02. [ Be nice, polite and patient. ]
Depends on the situations in my real life, your cover can takes a while to be made. So please, only request when you're not in a hurry and willing to wait. ☺

03. [ Story must be published. ]
Minimum 3 chapters of your story must be published (author's note and cast isn't included). If you request series cover, then the second book of your series must be published (1 chapter for the second in the series is accepted).

04. [ If you're using my cover, please use it at least a month. ]
Or I'll return it into premade and give it to someone else. ♻️ Please inform me with a short notice if you're not going to use my cover so I can turn it into premade.

05. [ Please be detailed and descriptive in your forms. ]

06. [ I have the right to reject your request without having to explain why. Remember that it's nothing personal. It could be because of the following reasons. ]
a. I have a hard time visualising what you wanted & no inspiration.
b. It's out of my range of experience.
c. You want specific celebrities pictures but I don't have a good one to represents your story (especially if you want specific expression or pose).
d. It's the kind of layout I don't do: mature, gory, or the layout that purely feature 'sexy bodies' or whatever you're calling it.
e. I'm no longer take request for anything that falls under random genre. (e.g. shops, rants, quotes, diary, etc)

07. [ Don't expect the graphic unless I reply your form with ✔️ 'accepted'! ]
When I'm interested in doing your cover, I'll reply your form. I'm very dedicated with my words so I can assure you I'll get the job done. I'll let you know should anything happened. 😉

08. [ Complete the payment! ]
Permanently follow me after I accept your request and complete the payment (will be stated on a page dedicated to you) after I show you the preview of your cover. After you complete the payment, I'll send you the link to download the image. 😎

09. [ ⚠️ Don't claim my work as yours or erase my watermark. ]
I'll give you a soft warning if you're in any way erasing my watermark and if you don't heed my warning, I'll turn it into premade without notice. Passkey: your favourite animals.

10. [ If you're using my cover, your book will be featured in this book as long as you use the cover.]
If you're no longer using it, I'll take the page down and put it in premade section so someone else can use it.

]If you're no longer using it, I'll take the page down and put it in premade section so someone else can use it

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Payment 💰 is a permanent follow, credit in either the description of your story or introduction page. After I give you the preview of your cover, you'll need to do 5+ lines outline comment or 5+ inline comments on 2-3 chapters of my story depends on the difficulty level. (I appreciate votes so much and it will be nice if you can hit that little button for me.) =)

After you complete your payment, I will send you the link to imgur 💌 where you can download your cover. To help promote your book, I'll include your story synopsis in your cover page and dedicate it to you (because dedication will still link to your profile even though you've changed your username).

Side Note:

All titles in my premades are the names I randomly put, so if it happens to similar with your book titles, it's a pure coincidence. =)


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