“I’m one of the limo drivers,” he answers.

“Alright but what are you doing in my living room?” Ollie continues.

“I’m here to tell you that I’m not dealing with any diva nonsense. You booked the limos for eight. It’s now ten past and I don’t like being messed around,” the man informs us angrily.

“I’m sorry it’s just my Mum, why don’t you stay in here for a bit until we’re ready?” I suggest.

“Yeah, have a spring roll,” Emmie suggests brandishing her plate filled with food.

“I don’t want a spring roll I want to get going,” he demands.

“I’ll take care of him,” Emmie informs me before dragging the disgruntled man away. Mum is still sobbing when I turn back to her. “And besides, Izzie getting married doesn’t mean you lose a daughter. Izzie’s not going anywhere but you also get a son!” I hear Georgie exclaim hopefully.  

“Oh don’t pull that soppy nonsense with me. I’m not gaining a bloody son,” Mum snaps, shutting Georgie up immediately. “Sorry Ollie, I didn’t mean it like that,” she quickly adds.

“None taken,” Ollie quickly replies.

“A few changes in our lives, does not mean we are going to stop appreciating everything you have done for us Mum,” I interject kindly.

“I don’t believe you,” Mum says obstinately. I sigh in frustration and pull a grimace at Ollie. How on earth are we going to get her to stop crying? On the other side of the room Mandy has started a drinking game with as much energy as she can muster in order to cover up the sound of Mum crying. My puzzled guests go along with it but still look extremely uncomfortable.

Next to me I hear Georgie let out a very long sigh of annoyance. “Oh for goodness sake!” she suddenly snaps. Georgie’s abruptness causes everyone in the room to jump in shock, including my Mum who hiccups with surprise. “Would you pull yourself together? You’re ruining Izzie’s night over absolutely nothing and you’re making a fool of yourself. So stop being so melodramatic and for goodness sake stop forcing people to eat sausage rolls,” she continues. I take a sharp intake of breath preparing myself for a torrent of tears and a string of complaints from Mum about not being valued. But to my surprise the tears immediately stop. She sniffles a couple of times and then dries her eyes. “You’re right,” Mum agrees. Georgie looks smug, and deservedly so while Ollie and I just watch on in amazement. “I’m just being silly, sorry Izzie,” she adds. Too taken aback by her sudden change in behaviour I just shrug and nod. “They’ve eaten all my sausage rolls,” Mum notices merrily.

“Why don’t you come help me clean away some of the empty plates?” Ollie suggests helpfully.

“No, no, I’ve been a burden enough. I best be off anyway,” she insists.

“Oh, well I’ll bag up some of the food for you to take home,” Ollie replies immediately; clearly desperate to get rid of some of the food. “No, you’re quite alright I’ll just fetch my coat and go,” Mum chirps, much to Ollie’s despair. We’re going to be eating mini chicken satay sticks for months. “Sit yourselves down, I don’t need to be shown to the door,” she informs us merrily as we rise to our feet. “Are you sure?” I ask. She continues to insist so we say our goodbyes and leave Mum to go home. “What on earth was that all about?” Georgie asks me.

“I don’t have a clue,” I reply.

“Remind me not to let Mum pop around before the stag do,” Ollie mutters to me.

“After this I don’t think you need reminding,” I correct him.

“Are we going to stand around here talking all night?” the limo driver asks angrily.

“I would ask you to keep your hair on but…,” Mandy snaps at him mischievously.

“She doesn’t mean that,” I quickly amend. “I think we’re ready to go,” I add, looking around desperately at everyone to get a move on. As I usher everyone out the door who have a somewhat deflated party spirit, I have a strong feeling this hen night is going to be a case of enduring and not enjoying.  I haven’t even left the bloody house yet!


A/N: I'm really sorry for yet another long wait for an upload. (Blame the History coursework!) Anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter and the second hen night chapter will be coming as soon as possible. Thank you for your continuing support for this story! And if you do notice that I am taking FOREVER to upload feel free to ask me when I am going to get a move on and write because it often gives me the inspiration to sit down and write a chapter! A quick thanks to Bloody_bunny for doing exactly that!

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