Corpse Party

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It was dark, the floorboards creaking under Naomi’s feet. Her hand moved to the cracking, dirty walls, and some yellowing school flyers fluttered to the ground. She looked around, her large blue eyes searching the abandoned hallways.
“Seiko?!” She called out. Her friend, Seiko, had left her after a huge fight the two had. Naomi had been searching for her in the run-down Heavenly Host Elementary for about an hour now, and her feet were beginning to hurt.
“Seiko?! Where are you?” She called out again, and the only answer to her calls were the echos and the slight creak of the school, the wind howling outside of the seemingly painted on windows, the rain slowly pattering on the roof. Naomi continued walking down the hallway, passing classroom doors and the scattered bones of the other unfortunate souls that had been trapped here. A few children’s shoes were scattered about, the once white soles torn, mud caked onto the bottoms.
“Do you think you’ll find her in time?” Naomi whirled around, eyes wide, her hand moving to her chest.
A red spirit stood there, his form flickering in a red flame. His eyes sparkled with mischievous glee, and he was wearing what looked to be like a school uniform, though it was badly torn and wrinkled.
“What?” Naomi asked.
“I said,” the spirit flickered and appeared closer to her, “do you think you’ll find her in time?” Naomi stumbled back, letting out a high pitched scream. The spirit laughed, and he threw his head back.
“You’re pathetic,” he spit. “You’re just a scared, stupid little girl. No wonder your friend left you.” Naomi glared at him, and stood up.
“Do you know where she is?” The ghost seemed taken aback.
“Ahahah… you think I know where she is? You really are a stupid girl.” The spirit chuckled. “And even if I did know, why should I tell you where she is? You really let her have it earlier. I don’t think she’d want to see you again after that.” Naomi flinched, memories of their fight flashing through her mind.
“We won’t ever make it out… We’ll just die here, and our family will look for us, and look for us, but they’ll never find us. We’ll be a burden to them.”
“Losing someone doesn’t make it a burden, Naomi. You will always cherish their memories.”
“I don’t know how your family works… But normal people don’t act that way!”
Naomi felt tears streaking down her face. The spirit laughed.
“You’ll die here, little girl. No one will remember your name, your face. You will be erased from the world… forever.” Naomi turned, running down the hallway and into a classroom. Sliding down the wall, her hand moved to her pocket, where her paper doll scrap, along with her Student ID, were. Her hand clenched around them, and scrunched her eyes shut, trying - and failing - to stop crying.
“Seiko…” She whispered.
Suddenly, there was a thud from upstairs. Naomi jumped to her feet.
“Seiko?” She moved towards the staircase at the end of the hall. Passing multiple bodies along the way, Naomi could hear whispers.
“It hurts…”
“If you die here, you’ll relive the same pain from the moment you died for all eternity.”
“There’s no escape.”
“If you’re trapped with a friend, you are very lucky…”
Shivering, Naomi picked up the pace, moving up the stairs and into the second floor. She remembered that this was where the bathrooms were.
“Seiko?” She called, after another thump sounded from one of the bathrooms. “Is that you?” She moved to the girls’ bathroom. Sticking her head inside, she felt a thick atmosphere settle in the room.
Thump. It was coming from one of the stalls.
Thump. It was coming from the stall that had been locked the last time she and Seiko had explored the area. Tugging on the stall, Naomi pulled open the door with ease.
“Sei --” Naomi froze, her hand falling to her side limply. The world seemed to move in slow motion.
Seiko swung back and forth above the toilet, rope around her neck, digging into her flesh. The rope was connected to the ceiling, and Naomi felt herself screaming Seiko’s name.
“Why would you hang yourself…? You were smiling and laughing all this time… Didn’t you promise we’d make it out together?!” Naomi screamed. Suddenly, Seiko’s body twitched.
“Na… o… mi…” She gasped. Naomi jumped.
“Seiko? You’re alive? Don’t worry; I’ll get you down!” Naomi reached and tugged on Seiko’s body, trying to find the knot. Seiko choked and gasped, her eyes bulging and her legs lashing out, kicking Naomi in the jaw, sending her to the floor. Naomi jumped to her feet.
“Seiko! I’m sorry!” Naomi looked around, and spotted an old bucket just outside of the bathroom. Telling Seiko she’d be right back, she ran out of the room to pick up the bucket. She looked into the bucket and gagged, seeing unidentifiable chunks of meat and blood crawling with maggots. She grasped the handle, tugging it off the floor. Dumping the contents to the floor, she rushed back to Seiko and put the bucket down.
“Sei --” Naomi froze. Seiko’s body rocked back and forth eerily, her eyes rolled back into her head. Spit dripped from her mouth and onto the floor, her fingers dripping with blood from her struggle. Waste dripped from between her legs. Naomi took a step back.
“Ahh.. a-ahhhh…” Naomi couldn’t take her eyes off her friend.
“Seiko!!! Noooooooooooo!” Naomi stepped back until she hit the wall, sliding down. “Wh- why would you…?” Naomi stared at Seiko’s body. Tears ran down her face in streams. “S-say something, Seiko! Don’t leave me here… Don’t leave me here alone…” Naomi curled up as children’s laughter echoed throughout the halls, clasping her hands over her ears.
She was alone….
Really alone…
She was the only living person left in Heavenly Host Elementary…

Anything you want me to write? Leave a comment!

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