Zayn's sister (Louis Tomlinson )

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You know that gut feeling that told you not to do this or not to do that, well I get those all the time. It didn't matter what I did I had it regardless. Most of the time I don't listen to it. With that being said let me tell you about something that I find very unique. 

You see, it was the middle of summer and I had just graduated high school. My mom and dad were letting me go to college in London. But there was a twist. To go to that college I had to agree to live with my half-brother, Zayn Malik. I didn't know him all that well. See before I was born Zayn's dad divorced my mom. It wasn't her it was him he was confused. Zayn lived with his four best friends in London. 

I can't tell you how much I hated this, but at least I could go to college like I wanted. I wasn't too excited about finally meeting my half-brother. See, He's British and I'm American. It was going to be hard for me, but I was willing to make it work. Even if he did go on tour more than he stayed at him. Mom wanted me to live with someone she could trust.

"Amanda, let's go, you'll be late catching the flight," Mom yelled from below. I was in my room upstairs trying to find something to wear. I lived in L. A and London were cold so I picked some skinnies, a brown and blue mix sweater, and my Ugg boots. I put my brown hair in a ponytail and grabbed my bags.

I was promised new attire from Zayn when I arrived. With what money I had and he had we could probably buy two new houses. I didn't think too much about that since I was living with him. He said it was fine for me to live with him as long as I followed the rules. I didn't know those rules yet.

"COMING," I yelled to her. I grabbed my iPhone, my bags, and for some reason my guitar case, which had the guitar in it.

I ran downstairs smiling like an idiot. Mom could see my expression and she started smiling too. We ran out the door to see Dad sitting in the car. My things were in the back so I climbed in and got comfortable. Mom locked the door and climbed into the passenger seat. She kept looking back at me and smiling.

When we arrived at the airport I ran to gate B. Mom couldn't stop smiling and crying at the same time.

"Mom, I'll call you both every day or you can call me," I said hugging her. She practically squeezed the life out of me.

"Okay, but remember, no boys, no parties, keep your head in the books," Dad said from behind her. I rolled my eyes.

"Just kidding baby, but have fun, learn something, and call us when you get the chance," Dad said. Mom and Dad hugged me for the last time before I finally boarded the plane.

The plane ride was a bummer. I got stuck in between two men who snored when they slept. But at least I was going to get to go to college. I wanted to major in Psychology. I've always been interested in the mind and behavior of a single person. For some reason, it just clicked with me. 

After the plane landed I stepped off and grabbed my things. I walked to the front of the London airport. I didn't know what to do so I stood to the side looking around. I finally spotted a sign that read 'Amanda Lynn' and instantly smiled. I didn't know why I was so happy, I was nervous to the bones. I walked over to the man who looked like he was in his early 30s maybe mid.

"Amanda, nice to see you made it, come with me," He said with a low stern voice. I followed him out the door with my luggage. When we reached a big black van he put my things in the back and opened my door. I sat in the passenger seat.

Once we were both in he started the van and started driving through the streets of London.  It was beautiful. The scenes we passed were breathtaking. I was honestly in awe. After some time we pulled up at a big complex flat. It was a big size complex. I was impressed when he got out and opened my door. I stepped out enjoying the scene I was in front of. I didn't even know the man that brought me here but he was nice. He grabbed my bags and led me to the front door.

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