The Golden Nugget

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Thanks you guys for commenting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really hop you guys like this chapter to. :)


" Just Remeber that the chicken nuggets are 100% chicken." I said and i waved my fabby hand at the all to willing perscwaded customers.

"Wait?! How do I have hyave customers if I am in my fabby mama's tummy?!" *Soconfusedface* :0 man i need to eat, i looked around the fatty stomach and watched as the already chewed food form into people.

"Aunt Margert?! It that you in fry form?!"

"It's me, I TASTE DELISOUCS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YUMMM.(: MURR."

"I wanna taste!"

"Too bad you fat child, eat some salad." she walked away sucking on her delcious salty arm and ate her whole arm off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was a scared for my lifeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Then she turned around and looked at me. With those jucy big round bluse ands reds eyes that wanted me more than i wanted her in my tommy. I was a scared for my life like I said before. I felt like a big mac coming into her fat mouth. Such fatty lissy. I waited to be swallowed but i heard a gagging noise and i was spit back out.

I was like "What the heck" in a funny, highpitched voice, (i dare all you guys to say it in a highpitched voice)

The ground make me feel like I was on a sticky rollarcoasterr that was upside down, raping me. I felt unfomrateable and awesome at the same time and i was all like baby, baby baby, ohhhh!

Gosh, I suck at singing but at least I got the sex right. I still love baby bieber. I got that bieber feverrr! Now, where was I?! Oh yeah, I am in my fatty fluppy tummy mama's tummy! I watched as my aunt melted into the bubbly stuff on the sexy floor, and she was all like "oh noooooooooooo sexy floor here i come." I ran to whears she was melting and dipped my hand in her delicous goodness and licked it off. MMMMMMMMM...taste my Mcdonalds...mmmmm....this sounds like sex noises....mmmmhhhhhmmmmmhhhhhhhhmmmmmmm......see what I mean!?


You probably just said mmmmmmmmmmmhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmm outloud didn't you?(; Don't lie, you can't hide what's inside!!!XD

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