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I don't like the way you're making me feel

It used to be so different

You used to be so kind

And caring

But now

You are so distant

And mean

I never imagined that it would come to this

Where I feel that you don't want me

That I would feel as though someone should say it's over

I feel sad a lot

A sad I haven't felt in a long time

I want to be with you forever

And you did want to be with me once

The thought of everything makes me cry

What did I do wrong

I know you say nothing but it has to be something

You've never treated me like this

Are we just to that point

Where we fight all the time

And are unhappy

I don't want to be unhappy

I want to love

I must have had to do something wrong



I don't want to be dirt

I don't want to unappreciated

I don't want to be unloved

I don't want to be this

What we have turned into

It's maddening

It hurts my heart

I want the old us

The cutesy together us

The always going to last us

Why can't we be us any more

I need us back

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2017 ⏰

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