Chapter 34- Dismembered... Is That The Right Word, Dismembered?

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As we continued to run after him Scott looked over at me excitedly and I rolled my eyes in return. I frowned as up ahead I spotted a barbed wire fence, the one that surrounded the Great Grimpen Minefield, and wondered what the hell Frankland was going to do here.

It seemed my question was answered as he vaulted over the fence without thinking twice about it but his landing wasn't so graceful as his feet tangled in the wire and he fell to the floor. He then jumped up and ran a couple of yards before stopping abruptly.

We hurried towards the barbed wire fence and stopped as Frankland raised his head, I could just hear him sigh as lifted his foot. A huge explosion followed and Scott grabbed my shoulder, pulling me closer to protect me.

The heat from the blast hit my face and I flinched a little as Scott wrapped his arm around my shoulders, shielding me. Sherlock skidded to a halt beside us as did John and we all stared at the explosion.

"So, does that mean more or less paperwork for the local police?" I commented and looked up at Sherlock who punched the air angrily. "The guy blew himself up, Sherlock, don't beat yourself up about it."

Sherlock ran his hands through his hair and huffed, "We could have put him away."

"From personal experience," Scott piped up, "the justice system isn't always the best way." Everyone turned to look at him and he shrugged, "Life for a life, you know?"

I glared up at Scott and hit him in the chest, he groaned in pain and cradled his chest with his hand. With a sigh I looked over at Sherlock and nodded my head in the direction of the minefield. "So what do we do now? Do we just leave Frankland's parts there?"

"Lestrade!" Sherlock called over his shoulder and the Detective finished checking Henry over before jogging over to us. "Call the local station, tell them we have a body on the minefield. They should get the picture."

Lestrade nodded and turned away, putting his phone up to his ear. John moved to stand in front of us and put his hands on his hips. "We have to get Henry home." He announced.

"Good idea, I'll take him." I told them and everyone frowned at me, "Look, you two-" I pointed between Sherlock and John, "-have to sort out all of this with the police and Scott, you need to get back to the inn and out of our way."

Scott stepped forward and crossed his arms. "No, I'll help you get Henry back to wherever it is he lives."

"I can manage perfectly well on my own, thank you." I said sternly and turned away from the group, walking over to Henry who was slumped on a nearby tree. I crouched down in front of him and put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Henry, I'm taking you home, okay?"

Henry nodded and I stood, holding a hand out to him and he took it so he could get to his feet properly. "Thank you." He said quietly.

"Right, c'mon then mate, let's get you out of here." Scott's voice spoke clearly and I rolled my eyes. "We'll get you home, have a nice cup of tea and forget that we just watched a dog get shot and a man explode, alright?" I watched as Scott clapped a hand on Henry's shoulder and turned him around to walk with us.

Henry's eyes widened and he nodded slowly, I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed. "Dee, hurry up!" Scott shouted over his shoulder and smiled cheekily at me.

In return I shined my torchlight in his eyes and he flinched. "This is the last damn time." I muttered under my breath as I walked to catch up with them both.

All the while as we rambled across the Moors to get to Henry's house, Scott shone his torchlight all around the darkness and kept asking Henry meaningless questions about his life. Whether he had a girlfriend or not. What he did for a living. How he had managed to get that much money. All the boring questions.

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