Roman rolled his eyes in irritation. "Grace, we're not even going on the road for another five months. We're not even there yet." He glanced over at Kristen. "And if things work out, I'm sure we'll be able to it like two mature adults."

"That's the thing. Only one of you is a mature adult Roman. Technically, she's still a child."

"Grace- "Patricia forewarned.

"Goddamn Grace; why are you being such a killjoy?" Antonio interrupted.

"Hey! Language!"

"Grace, I really think you need to stay out of this," Cameron suggested. "Their relationship is not our business."

"After three days it's already a relationship?"

Roman bristled at the hurt in Kristen's eyes and glared across the table at Grace. "Grace, what is your damn problem?"

"Seriously, you're being selfish as hell," Cameron griped, sliding her chair away from her sisters. "Our brother was torn and falling apart for almost two years and none of us could stand it. Now, after all that time, he finally has a smile on his face and you can't stand that either."

"It wasn't even that long ago," Grace persisted. "It was just three days ago. Everything may be all good and sexy for the moment but I haven't forgotten any of the crap my brother endured or how broken he's been all year. That doesn't just go away. I'm glad he's feeling good right now but we don't know her. Roman, you don't know her. Kristen, I'm not saying this to be mean but my brother has been through a lot. I think he's moving too fast and I think both of you should slow down. If not, you run the risk of making a huge mistake."

The responses and rebuttals came all at once.

Cameron: Grace!

Antonio: For God's sake, stop being a bitch Grace! Give the girl a break!

Roman: Grace, you are about three seconds from me reaching across this table and snatching every thread of weave out your head-


Everyone stopped and looked over at Patricia, stunned.

"That is enough!" she angrily repeated, enunciating each word. "Grace, apologize to your brother and Kristen right now."

Grace just sat there sourly looking at her, her flashing hazel eyes defiant.


Being a grown woman but no fool Grace relented and uneasily looked over at her baby brother and his friend. "I'm sorry," she said, forcing sincerity in her voice. "I truly am. I'm sorry. I didn't mean any harm. I just love my brother, that's all. I don't want to see him hurt again."

"I'm not going to hurt him," Kristen staunchly insisted, unflinchingly looking at her. Roman squeezed her hand and she looked over at him, smiling weakly. So much for the first family gathering. Good grief.

"Grace, I am so disappointed in you right now," Patricia said with sadness in her eyes.

"You are being so unfair right now sis," Cameron lamented. "This is new. Give it a chance. Give her a chance. How long do you want him to feel like shit? You should be happy it's over."

"Always acting like a petty, miserable ass bitch," Antonio grumbled.

"Hey!" Patricia sharply interjected, throwing her half-eaten dinner roll across the table at him. Antonio dodged it and gave her a goofy grin.

Grace slowly stood up from the table. "I think I'd better excuse myself before I make things worse," she quietly replied, staring at the floor. She looked over at Roman and Kristen and shrugged. "Again. I'm sorry." She turned and left the room, walking up the back stairs to the second floor.

Everyone was quiet for a moment, the lingering tension in the room polarizing the joy that had consumed them only moments earlier.

Sighing, Patricia smoothed out her dress and ran her hand down the side of her bob, standing. "Roman, why don't you go talk to your sister and straighten things out. See if you guys can come to a mutual understanding. Kristen, you come outside and chat with me. Cameron, grab her a sweater from the hall closet. It's cold out."

Not waiting on a reply, Patricia grabbed her shawl off the back of her chair and walked to the patio off the dining-room, pulling it open and shutting it before walking down the stairs.

Speechless, Kristen looked over at Roman to see if he could get her out of it and he adamantly shook his head, smiling. "Mom doesn't take no for an answer. I'll see you in a minute." He kissed her cheek, got up, and walked to the back stairs, jogging up to find his sister.

Feeling uncomfortable, Kristen moved her feet back and forth across the floor and watched as Cameron got up from her seat and went into the hallway to retrieve a sweater. She brought a pretty silver one back to Kristen and reached it to her. Kristen hesitantly took it from her and placed it around her shoulders, looking back and forth between Cameron and Antonio.

They sympathetically smiled at her, bearing dimples similar to Roman's. "Good luck," they said in unison.

Eternal Flame (Mature 18+)Where stories live. Discover now