Part Two: The Commanding Officer

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Kasumi stopped in her tracks, never before had she seen or met someone so...just plain up awesome. The commander just stared at her, confused of what happened. Kasumi managed to stop from fainting, and replied. "Sorry, I've just never in my life met someone so...important." The commander smiled. "It's fine, we're all considered family here. Well, except for the ones in a relationship, then that would definitely be weird. Unless you go by Vorcha traditions. Which I can bet you that you don't." She finished the sentence with a chuckle. Kasumi quietly laughed inside her head. Act professional, girl. The commander stared at her again. "Why are you so professional, Kasumi?" Kasumi chuckled nerviously. "Well, I though you would be all professional-" the commander cut her off. "Me?! Professional?! No way! I'm not like Hackett or Anderson, "get in your places ASAP!" That sort of thing, not me." Kasumi laughed at her Hackett impression, it was actually really funny. "Anyway, Jane Shepard. Just call me Jane, or I'll break your neck!" Kasumi's eyes widened. "Just kidding! You should've seen your face!" Kasumi smirked in realization. Maybe this place isn't going to be so bad.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2017 ⏰

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