Broken Man

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Emma awoke that morning to the loud sound of glass smashing. She jumped out of the bed and wrapped her robe around her body. The sun was just beginning to rise. As Emma reached to open her bedroom door out to the landing she could hear Mary's voice.

'Mr Shelby, Sir! What happened?' Emma opened her door slightly to see Mr Shelby collapsed on the landing floor. Next to him was a smashed bottle of whiskey and he looked a state. Emma rushed to help Mary as she tried to lift his limp body from the floor. He had completely passed out.

'Let's put him to bed.' Mary said. The two women lifted his head body and dragged him to his bedroom. Emma could smell the alcohol on him, it made her light headed. He must have spent most of the night heavily drunk. They reached the bedroom door and Mary swung it open. The room was large and messy. Really messy. Emma felt the weight of her boss fall heavy on her. She lifted his arm up and helped Mary carry him to the bed. Together, they used the last of their strength to put him on the bed. Emma pulled the blanket over his body and stepped away.

'Bloody fool.' Mary mumbled. 'Come on, Lets leave him,' Mary told Emma. As they turned to leave the room Emma noticed he dressing table. It was filled with perfumes, jewelry and photos. It was the only thing in the room kept in a perfect condition. Emma followed Mary out of the room and closed the door behind her.

Mary sighed and looked at the young girl in for of her.

'Right love, get ready and I will show you around and we will get started,' Emma nodded her head and headed off to her room to get ready. As Emma got changed she thought back to the dressing table. Did Mr Shelby have a wife? If he did she hadnt met the lady of the house yet?

But why was he so drunk?

Emma shook the thoughts from her head. She didn't need to get involved in her boss's business. She put her pinafore over her head and put her hair up in a loose bun. She left her room and found Mary waiting for her.

'Right, lets go.'

Mary showed her every room in the house, along with the kitchens. Mary would be cleaning he rooms and helping with daily meals. The house was huge and was well furnished. The dining room table was enough to fit 40 people. The women entered the kitchen and sat to have a cup of tea before the hard work began. Emma's questions ran round in her mind again.

' Mr Shelby married?' Emma asked. As she did Mary stopped sipping her tea and placed the cup down.

'No, he is not. However, his fiancee, Grace, left him not so many weeks ago to live a life in America. That's why Mr Shelby has been so destructive recently. He is broken, poor man,' Mary explained. Emma nodded her head.

'Is that why he was in that state this morning?' Mary nodded her head.

'Yes. He hasn't been himself since she left. I have picked him off that floor more times than I can count,' Mary said. Emma sighed. How sad must a man be to get himself like that?  Emma then froze when she heard a deep voice from behind her.

'Excuse me Mary, do we just sit around and no nothing? Is that what I pay you for?' It was Mr Shelby. He was dressed, his eyes looked tired from little sleep and he hunched over. Both Emma and Mary stood up quickly.

'Sorry Mr Shelby, just showing Emma around the house sir,' Emma nodded in agreement. She felt nervous as Mr Shelby looked at her intensely. Tommy looked the young girl up and down. She was only petite and looked fragile. She was a pretty thing, with pale complexion and blonde wavy hair.

Emma looked at her new boss. He looked drained, like a man who had lost all hope.

'Fine, I'm going to town. I won't be back for a few hours. Make sure everything is in order,' Tommy said taking a final look at Emma before he turned and left. Emma let out a deep breath.

Mary handed her a broom. 'Come on, best get started hey?' And with that Emma began her new life as a maid.

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