Chapter Two- That's a Very Big... Delivery

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"Stupid freaking office staff, ruining my favorite class." I muttered things like that, and things similar to that as I walked down the hallway with Bob (or Jason, or Leo, or Mason, or Diiiiii- Richard. Totally meant Richard. *Awkward laugh* I'll just shut up now...). 

"I-i'm very s-sorry about that sir..." I looked to the side and saw that.. Andrew (???) was talking to me. 

I laughed like a maniac and clamped my hand down on his shoulder, "Hey man, it's not your fault. And you need to stop stuttering like that, Sullivan. You sound like Canada!" 

"M-my name is Mathew, sir, and I would hope I sound Canadian, for I am Canadian." 

"Broooo," I started, dragging out the 'o,' "That's so cool." 

Grinning like the mad man I am, I grabbed Mathew's hand and hurried to the office. Many pedestrians stared at the two of us, and gossip traveled through the hallways like wildfire. 

I simply ignored them and continued to tear through the corridors like a raging girl on her period.

"We're here!" I happily announced to Mathew, whom was bending over (( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) and panting ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) after the round (( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) of running (( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)).

"Ah, Mr. Silverheart," The office lady said all snobbishly, "Pleasure to see you. The principal would like to see you now."

"Fabulous," I replied, zero emotion detected in my voice. I then turned to Mathew with a smile.

"See you around?" I asked the boy hopefully.

He laughed lightly, and played with the hem of his thin sweater.

"Of course."

"Score," I muttered to myself as I made my way to the Principal's office.  


"So old man, what do you need me for?"

I smiled playfully at him as I said it. Calling him 'Old Man' was one of the things I had asked if I could call him. 

The principal himself was a kind old dude, and he had graying hair already (He's like, 40 or something). He always made sure to talk to me when I needed someone to talk to. The old man also made adjustments for me if I asked, for I'm always his go-to person when something happens. He trusts me. 

"Well, I need you to deliver something to your siblings. Each of them got one, and I would like it if you could go give it to them. Do you think that you can do that for me?" He looked at me with wise eyes, and he smiled brightly. Through his smile I could see the laugh lines on his face. 

I took a glance to my side, and noticed three manila envelopes and a huuuuuuuge box. Not huge height wise, but huge width wise. That's a lot of girth (I crack myself up sometimes xD). 

I turned my gaze back to the principal, and gave him the brightest smile I could muster. 

"Of course. Do you expect any less of me?" I laughed and grabbed the three envelopes. I grunted as I picked them up. What the hell was in these things? The little things were almost as heavy as an elephant. No offense to any elephants out there! I'll just... I'll just shut up. 

"I'm off!" I called out to the old man.

"Oh, and before you go..." He trailed off, and I turned around to face him once again. 

"Just come back here when you're done. I'll give you a reward for helping me out so much."

I smiled brightly and turn to leave. I finally exited the office and gave a faint smile to Mathew as I passed by. Poor boy, having to deal with that secretary for a whole hour. 

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