Chapter One

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Four years later

Roselie bit her lip and fought the urge to moan as her back hit the wall behind her at a steady rhythm. Joseph Buckley one of the prison guards had been making this a regular thing since Roselie arrived at St Crowhurst.

Roselie grabbed his shirt as his hips thrusted backwards and forwards against hers "Holy shit" She gasped and Joseph hushed her with his hand on her mouth.

"Shh you'll get us both shot" Joseph could hardly speak, he was at the brink of coming undone, his facial hair brushed against her neck as he kiss her collarbone, before returning her feet to the ground. Roselie fixed her clothes and watched through mischievous eyes as Joseph pulled his trousers up.

"Jesus'll be the death of me Rose Shelby. Lord knows what I'm going to do when you're released" Joseph grinned, he hesitated when he saw how saddened she seemed. His hand touched her face as she looked up at him.

"I'm sure one of the other girls will be fit for service" she smiled weakly "I'll be nothing more than a sweet memory"

"BULLSHIT" Joseph snapped "No other woman in this place would ever match you, being inside you is like a first class ticket to paradise"

Roselie chuckled and returned Joseph's kiss "I will come for you, I promise. Two weeks outside and we can go, leave this Shit hole and get on a boat"

"Where too?" Roselie smirked, it wasn't the first time she had, had this conversation with Joseph.

"To Boston, my homeland" Joseph put his hand on Roselie's face "You deserve so much more than your family can offer you"

Footsteps in the corridor caused Joseph to step away from Roselie instantly "Miss Shelby" A guard announced on entry "Oh Joe I didn't realise you were here" The man said with a tone of suspicion.

"Joseph was just returning my necklace" Roselie lied convincingly.

"Yes well your brother is here to collect you, I've brought your clothes for you Miss Shelby"

"Thank you Horace, and thank you for being so kind to me" Roselie smiled. Horace nodded shyly and was quick to exit.

"God you drive me to despair" Joseph grabbed Roselie's waist masterfully "You have every man in this place under your spell, you control them..."

"And yet it's you're dick that has me, that controls me" Roselie whispered in Joseph's ear "Two weeks and I swear you better come for me"

"Oh I'll come for you" Joseph kissed Roselie's neck again and she tried hard to resist him. Everything inside her wanted him, he stepped away leaving her aching for him "You better go before Horace comes back...I'll be seeing you soon darlin"

They kiss one last time before Roselie finally leaves her cell. She takes a deep breath as she walks down the long corridor towards the exit. She is grateful she isn't walking towards the gallows, the door opens and she is almost blinded by the light.

Standing in the courtyard is her middle brother, the brains of the family "Tommy" Roselie gasps as she runs towards him "I'm glad it was you who came to fetch me" she sighed as he hugged her tightly.

"Its good to see you" Tommy whispered as he moved backwards "I've brought the car" he held out his arm for her to hold, she looped her arm through it.

"So Tom, which poor bastard will I be living with until I find my feet" Roselie smirked and Tommy chuckled, he had missed his sisters sense of humour.

"That poor bastard would be me" He exhaled and Roselie paused.

"What about Grace?" Roselie frowned, Tommy didn't reply "She doesn't know does she? Jesus Tommy the bitch will murder me in my sleep"

"No she won't, she's family now remember" Tommy reassured her "We have spoken about you and she assures me any Ill feeling she may have had for you, well it's long gone now"

"Yes course it is" Roselie rolled her eyes as Tommy opened the car door for her "How in God's name can you afford a fucking Bentley Tom...?"

"Not just one Bentley, we own a fleet of them" Tommy grinned proudly "A lots changed since you went away Rose, we've gone up in the world" Tommy turned the key and started the engine, the car moved away slowly.

"You're damn right a lots changed" Roselie snarled "You marrying that double crossing little leprechaun for starters"

"Rose, don't speak about her like that" Tommy scolded "Grace is doing you a kindness letting you stay in our home..."

"A kindess" Roselie protested a little "Oh I'm sorry Thomas I didn't realise your sister was such a burden...perhaps I should have taken the prisons offer of a womens refuge"

"Don't talk daft, you are not a burden" Tommy sighed "You are family"

"Lucky me" Roselie sighed under her breath, she was silent for the remainder of the journey.


Roselie raised her eyebrows at the size of Tommy's new house, or rather stately home "Jesus" she mumbled under her breath.

"I told you we are going up in the world Rose" Tommy grinned.

"Hmmm" Roselie frowned "And who did you have to kill to get yourself a place like this?"

For the first time since they left the Juvenile Detention Centre, Tommy lit himself a cigarette "Grace is inside, she's making tea"

"Tea? Should I duck this time?" Roselie reminded Tommy of the time Grace threw a pot of hot tea at her during a heated argument.

"No, Grace has been warned to be on her best behaviour. Now I'm asking you to do the same. We have a baby in the house and I don't want him seeing any kind of violent outbursts from either of you, alright" Tommy warned and Roselie bowed her head, trying desperately to hide her smile "Yes Dad" she smirked. Tommy also couldn't stop himself from smiling, he had missed her sarcasm.

"Good" He said finally before cutting the engine and getting out of the car. He walked round and helped Roselie out of her side.

Roselie follow Tommy up some steps as as the neared the door it opened slowly, a women stood there "Afternoon Mr Shelby, Miss Shelby" she did a half curtsey.

"Jesus christ" Roselie sighed and rolled her eyes. Tommy threw her a warning glare, it was just enough to tell Roselie to keep her mouth shut.

Roselie followed her brother down the long hall and into the drawing room where Grace was stood waiting. She was wearing a grey two piece skirt and blouse set. Tommy kissed Grace gently and stood to one side "Grace" Roselie said through a forced smile.

"Rose" Grace replied, her tone equally as forced "How are you keeping? You look well considering?"

Roselie had a smart reply on the tip of her tongue, but she quickly dismissed it when she noticed Tommy's disapproving look "I'm fine thank you, you look well. I hope my brothers taking good care of you"

"Of course" Grace grinned "Tommy why don't you show Rose to her room. Grace suggested "I'll pour us all some tea"

"Tea" Roselie chuckled a she left the room and walked beside her brother "Since when did tea replace whiskey?"

"Since I became a respectable businessman" Tommy replied and Roselie laughed out loudly.

"Bollocks" She scoffed "More like since Grace started leading you by the cock"

"That's enough Rose" Tommy snapped "Now here is your room, I have taken the liberty get you some things you may need. Polly and Ada helped, I'll leave you to change. Then you can join Grace and I in the drawing room..."

"For tea and light resfreshments" Roselie teased, Tommy was both amused and infuriated by Roselie's mocking. However it was her first day outside in the real world since she was sentenced, so he decided it would he for the best of he didn't focus or act on it too much...

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