Who Ishita? Whom did you see?

Nidhi. I saw her Raman.

She whispered after a moment of silence. Her voice was laced with fear as the words left her lips. He felt a shiver run down his spine too as the name struck his mind bringing back a barrage of painful memories. That one name, it had taken it all away from him all this while, his daughter and his love. His hands slid down her arms as he stepped back trying to grasp the words he had just heard. She looked at him stumbling back, his eyes not leaving her. She held him back trying to get a hold of him.

Raman listen to me. I saw her..

Nidhi is dead Ishita. Its been 7 years now. This is not possible.

He replied calmly cutting her off, deep down knowing where this conversation might take a turn to and he was sure, neither of them were ready for it. He noticed her shaking her head, trying to speak but her voice never came out. She looked up when his fingers pressed into her arm and found him shaking his head urging her not to. She felt miserable knowing she had to tell him what she saw..

Raman please, listen to me. I saw her, it was her. For a minute I thought I might be just seeing it all but it wasn't like it at all, she was very much there. I was shocked and couldn't believe it but I went after her, they didn't allow me in. I tried so much but i couldn't. it was her Raman, I can recognize that face, its one face I am not going to forget.

She blurted out and looked at him to find him still staring at her with a blank expression.

I would have gone after her but I couldn't and I didn't know what to do.I looked for you but you were already gone, Raman, she's alive.

He kept looking at her as she explained it all to him, she kept looking up to see if he was listening and continued without bothering to waiting for his response.

Nidhi is alive Raman, what if.. what if...Ru..

Enough Ishita.

He shouted, his anger breaking as he heard her say exactly what he had feared. She flinched back hearing his voice and looked into his eyes and he was enraged. She flinched as he pulled her closer, his fingers digging into her skin. She could see the pain in his eyes, the one she had seen years ago when it all had ended.

Ruhi is dead ,its been seven years.

His words sliced through her wounds as she stumbled back with him pushing her away. Tears streamed down her eyes when his words rung in her ears once again. He hated it, the fact that he couldn't dare to think of the incident which change their lives, it scared him and he always ran away from it. The silence in the room gave away when the bottle infront go him shattered on the floor. She looked at him and he had his back towards her. Her heart yearned to reach out to him but she couldn't bring herself to even approach him. It would take her life to be pushed away by him once more.

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