Chapter 1

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Melina and Bianca are getting ready for school when all of a sudden...

Melina's ex (Jonathan) comes bursting through the door and immediately notices they are changing and starts to walk towards them and says "Well, well look at that sexy thang over there." While he says that Melina punched him in his dick
He grunts in pain and calls her a whore
Melina's POV
Someone came bursting through the door and... it was my ex who cheated on me with my old best friend...
1 year ago
Today is my 17 th birthday I'm so excited I'm having my best friend Ana over after school we are gonna have a girls day and get pampered I'm in Math watching the clock tic by then I see Grayson Dolan and his chiseled chin his  toned skin and his muscles through his tight muscle shirt also  his plump rosy lips while he walks in late we meet eye to eye and I quickly look back at the clock...
He doesn't look much like his twin Grayson has a freckle on his chin and Ethan has one on his cheek
And he is a little more built than Ethan you can tell the difference between them it's easy...
After School...
     Melina's POV
I got my nails done with acrylic and put on teal nail polish and some sparkles on my middle finger so whenever I flick people off it'll have a little bit of class
Ana got acrylic and a white French tip just to keep it simple, after we get our nails done we walk over to the massage chairs so we can get out toes done
When we finish with that Ana surprises me with getting my hair dyed the color I've always wanted to get which is dirty blonde
After we get ourselves pampered we go back to my house to all of a sudden be scared by everyone screaming"Surprise!"
I jump back and find myself engulfed in a hug from my boyfriend Jonathan omg he is just gorgeous and I hold him tightly and kiss him on his cheek
He whispers in my ear "Happy Birthday Baby, You look gorgeous tonight I cant wait to take those skinny jeans off you." I smile and start to blush as he says this
Later that night...
Ana's POV
"Hey hottie!" I turn around and I'm faced with Jonathan as I do that he grabs my ass and says let's take this upstairs..
He tugs on my hair as he thrusts in me the beads of sweat going off his face and I scream and groan but Jonathan muffles it by kissing me..
Melina's POV
I hear screaming from my room upstairs and immediately run up there on slam open the door to find my boyfriend naked on top of Ana I start to feel my eyes sting and water up.. I run downstairs and go into the closet while hysterically crying
Bianca's POV
I saw Melina crying her eyes out I follow her to the closet next to the downstairs bathroom all I hear is muffled cries and I open the door slowly to see her in the corner bawling her eyes out, I close the door and sit next to her and hug her she jumps a bit and tightly hugs me and I let her cry while I play with her new dirty blonde dyed curly hair and comfort her
When she's sort of done crying I ask her what happened she explained she saw her boyfriend and her best friend having sex and I said I'll be right back
So I walk out of the closet and march upstairs and into her room and see Jonathan getting changed while Ana is sitting on the bed with her hands in her hands
So I walk up to Jonathan and slap him in the face and tell Him " you fucking man whore you had a girlfriend and now she's crying in a closet and as for you Ana you are the worst best friend anyone could ever ask for you are such a skank to even do that to her especially on her birthday and in the room she sleeps in at night!" I storm off after I say that and go back to Melina and try to calm her down more and I ask her " wanna go to the mall and skip out on this?" She nodded and we snuck out and went to rue 21 Melina's favorite store at the mall we look at all the skinny jeans and crop-tops.
When she pays for her new blue skinny jeans and red crop top with the words love on it we walk over to my favorite place in the mall Starbucks I order a Venti Carmel frappuccino with extra whip cream and Melina orders a Venti iced white chocolate mocha with whip. We suck it down and laugh at the end of the drink when you drink the whip cream.
Back at Melina's house
Jonathan POV
What did I just do I ruined the best relationship I had I'm such a fucking idiot and Bianca was right I am a man whore, ah well I didn't love her anyways she was the loser of the school possibly even the state
Melina's Mom
"Where's Melina" everyone stood there not answering her question until Ana's nephew says she left with her pig of a friend I heard her say that they were going to the mall
"Thank you Christian, alright everyone party is over get out of my house NOW!
I wonder why Jonathan didn't go with her....
Back at the mall
Bianca's POV
I watch Melina go from smiling to depressed after she remembers what she just saw before we left and looks at me and says "thank you for making this the best birthday ever!" She gets up from her seat and engulfs me in a hug
    Present time
           Melina's POV
After he calls me a whore I storm out the room and go to the bathroom and start to burst into tears my heart aches still from that day but it was all for a reason because if that didn't happen then me and Bianca wouldn't be the best friends and I don't know what I would do with out her...

We make it to school and I see Grayson and Ethan staring us down but once I look back at them they turn away and start to talk to their friends

I wonder if maybe just maybe he would speak up and tell me he loves and can't live another day without me but only a girl can dream 😔

Authors note:
Sorry for the late update I have been going through some things and I hope you enjoy I'm probably gonna update  sometime next week and during the week the 21 st through the 28 I won't be updating I'm gonna be in Mexico 😎😎
Until next update 😘

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