Start from the beginning

[both girls burst out laughing for a few seconds.]

What's the most important thing about being an artist?
Levi: The fans. An artist is nothing without their fans. They wouldn't be here, making music professionally, if no one ever heard or liked it. That means fans are deathly important and special, because they've chosen you to be a fan of.
I fucking love my fans. They're my loves and my babbies and they're just.... They're so sweet and thoughtful and leave little positive comments on my Insta that just makes my day. I try to interact with them as much as I can. It's those little things like following them or liking a post of theirs that makes a huge difference. It is the best feeling in the world to hear someone say your music helped them through hard times, or it saved their lives. You need to value your fans, because it's what they do for you.
Mackenzie: Well, fuck, man! [shrugs, starts laughing] How the fuck am I supposed to top that? Next question please.

Levi, we all know that you're dating Chris Evans. Is it true that you met in middle school, and how's your relationship going right now?
Levi: I did meet him in middle school. Granted, at the time he was a complete dick to me [laughs], but to be honest I really respected his confidence. Captain America came out and I'm like, "shit, he's good."
Mackenzie: But you called him a dumbass back then.
Levi: HOE, SHUT UP. [Shakes her head]. Neither of us really expected to be together, but I'm glad that we are now. He's very sweet and friendly, and we both respect each other's careers enough to know that in the acting business, you're often gone for long periods of time. But it's worth it. He's very respectful of my parents, and really understanding, too. [smiles] Plus, he puts up with Mackenzie's bullshit, so that's good.

Speaking of acting, how are your shows [Sex&Drugs&Rock&Roll and Ghostface] going so far?
Levi: Well, Katherine's still getting murdered.
Mackenzie: And Gigi's still a murderous bitch.

Levi, is it true that Chris got you a puppy, which totals to nine dogs in your house?
Levi: OH MY FUCKING GOD, YES!! [covers her mouth in embarrassment]. Sorry.
Mackenzie: She really loves her dogs.
Levi: Yeah. I actually do have eight others. Their names are Cinnamon, Ophelia, Toulouse, Lafayette, Sirius, Fawkes, Strauss, and Coco. My new puppy gets along so well with them all. His name is Pignoli and he's the literal definition of adorable. Seriously, he's so damn cute it's insane. But at first I didn't know that it was a dog, and since I have bad eyesight I thought it was a cookie, and I was like "why is the cookie shaking?"
Mackenzie: And you are the literal definition of blind as fuck.

Levi, many are still calling you out on your introduction to your Billboard performance. How do you handle the reactions and when people call you a diva for your defense of your beliefs?
Levi: A lot of times, women are labeled as a bitch or a diva for having a vision and being strong and using your voice, and that's just not the case. You can be strong and be friendly. We don't have to be just one thing.

Mackenzie, you're ironically called America's Sweetheart, even though you're "radical, unfiltered, immature, and rebellious." How do you respond to that?
Mackenzie: When people see how I act all the time, they're like, "you should act your age." What the fuck is that, "act my age"? What do I care how old I am? The ocean's old as fuck, but it'll still drown your ass with vigor.

Do you say things like that frequently?
Mackenzie: Less than most assume, actually. I mean, I know a lot of shit, I just don't say shit out of respect. But if someone disrespects me, I will destroy them. It's that simple.

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