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"Ava? What are you-"

"What is all of this? Is this where our money has been going? To all of- I'm so confused. Please, explain."

I feared for her. I feared for her safety. Father thought a baby would ruin us, and this women could do so much more. I had doubts that he'd left my baby boy, my little Jax, in a public place so he could be found. But I had no doubt he'd go as far as killing Ava to keep his secrets. Our secrets.

Ava... His wife.

I stood stock still, hardly breathing.

"I can explain Ava. I'm sorry I spent so much money and time here. I just needed a way to cope. I couldn't bear it when we lost Amy."

"So you made this place. In the basement of our summer home..."

"Where Amy spent most of her time. This place was special to her. I had to give her so something."

"Why is it so locked up? A keypad and a deadbolt?"


"The truth, Carl. And only the truth. You've been hiding so much from me. The offshore accounts, your secretary, and now this place?"

Father was silent. I couldn't be sure, but I think she was walking up to him.

"I love you. And I do forgive you for not telling me things. And for cheating. Just... Just remember that you promised to be honest."

"I will be. I am being honest."

An unwelcome wave of jealousy washes over me when I hear them kiss.

"This is for Amy. Everything in this place, everything about this place, all for Amy. Our daughter."

I could hear her sigh. "This isn't healthy Carl. Amy has been dead for ten years. Ten years, Carl. You can't keep this up. I won't allow it."

I heard his sharp intake of breath. I learned early on that Father doesn't like being told what to do. He didn't stand for my tantrums. Not one bit. My mind skipped over this new information about a daughter that had died ten years ago and went straight to the matter of Ava's safety.

"What else is here?" I heard her ask. I scrunched further into my corner of the closet as I heard her approach.

"Ava, honey. I know you don't agree with what I've done. But I'm heartbroken. My daughter... It's so unfair. Abducted and found three days later in an alley. Dead."

"Carl, please-"

"You heard what they said was done to her! She was six! Six years old! She barely lived Ava!"

"You don't think I know that! I was there! I was hurting too!"

"You forgot about her as soon as you had Thomas. You just let it go!"

Both of their breathing was heavy. A shaky breath was taken. "I love our daughter. I always will. But if I dwell on it, I'll go insane. Please, let's go home. We'll come back and pack up all of this tomorrow."


"We'll get you some help. So you can deal with what happened in a better way that doesn't waste money."


"We're leaving, now."

I squeezed my eyes shut as I heard Father lash out at her. The sound him grabbing her, hitting her, was unbearable. I had to get out of this closet. I had to help her.

He'll hit me too. He'll punish me. Its safer in here. He won't be mad at me.

I cried silently. As Ava screamed and begged him to stop. I'm not strong enough. I never have been. I'm still the same six year old girl who hid from Father every waking moment.

After an agonizing few minutes that felt like hours, the screaming stopped. I stomach roiled at the thought of her being dead. Luckily, I could hear her ragged intakes of breath. I could her her sobs. And I felt dirty. Awful. Ashamed. I'd stayed in hiding instead of helping... anything. I could have done so many things, and I didn't do anything.

"Baby Doll. Come here sweet heart."

I held breath and slowly stood up. My back ached from being scrunched up so long.

"Don't make me wait. Now, Baby Doll."

He didn't continue as I'd stepped out of the closet. His sweet smile was sickening.

"You're dressed. Good girl." He beckoned me forward with a lone finger.


Bear with me, I'm trying to keep this book PG-13... for now anyway.

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