Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Meeting You

Just as we entered through the doors to the grill, I heard a voice drawl, " Hello brother. Elena"

I was behind Stefan so when I looked up I only saw the top of his head. His raven hair was nothing like Stefans, it just fell down naturally but it looked amazing. It was so messy but...looked more like sex hair...

"Damon, this is Bella. Bella, Damon" Stefan introduced us in a stiff voice, so I walked forward to greet him...and I wish I hadn't.

His piercing icy blue eyes nearly made me fall over from the intensity of them. His face was ...indescribable. However he must of seen something in my expression because a cocky smirk was suddenly plastered to his face. I nearly swooned at the sight of him. I wanted to bring his face to mine and run my fingers through his silky hair but instead I stood frozen, trying to cover my blush.

He took my hand from my side and bent his head to kiss it, "Hello Bella.."

My name sounded so perfect coming from his mouth, it literally rolled off his tongue. And to make it worse, he said it with a fluent Italian accent.

I swallowed thickly before saying, "Hello Damon, are you Italian?"

"Well partly. My last name is Salvatore..." His accent was back to American now, thankfully.

"Meaning savior" I concluded with a nod of my head.

"We'll be over at the bar" Stefan stated, taking Elenas hand and pulling her away. I caught her give me a sympathetic smile just before she left.

I breathed through my nose, this was going to be difficult. My eyes moved to where Damon should be but he wasn't there. I hadn't noticed that Damon had gone. My eyes scanned the room but I couldn't find him. He must of left..

Just as I was about to walk off, Damons mouth was suddenly by my ear, "Did you know Bella means beautiful in Italian?"

I bit my lip as I felt a shiver go up my spine from his voice. I couldn't speak, there was a lump in my throat so instead I nodded.

His hand grabbed my chin and turned my face towards his. Our faces were mere inches apart, our noses practically touching. He slowly began to lean in...a smug smirk on his face...

"My brother...hes a bit of should I put this..."

"A manipulator? A womanizer? A cheater?"

I turned my head to the side at the last second so his lips only brushed my cheek and from across the room I could see Stefan and Elenas worried expressions turn relieved.


My head turned back to him and he looked sort of frustrated with his eye brows drawn. He tilted his head to the side, a smirk suddenly growing again. His sapphire eyes began to bore into mine as he said, "You want to kiss me"

He leaned in again so this time for effect I slapped him, "Uh no I don't!"

He blinked a couple of times from the force of the slap before his eyes narrowed down at my necklace.

Swiftly, his hand grabbed the necklace, trapping it in between his fingers. He began to rub the necklace between his index finger and thumb, before he said, "Who gave you this?"

"Elena did." I stated in annoyance, what was so special about it?

"Right" He rolled his eyes, before dropping the necklace and walking off towards the couple. So I followed.

"Why can't you let me have a little fun?" Damon asked Elena with a pout.

"Because shes my cousin!" Elena frowned at him.

He looked at me then Elena, "Oh yeah! I see the resemblance now!"

"Sorry about him" Stefan apologized to me so I just waved him off.

After we had eaten, Elena announced that we should get home because it was getting dark.

"Bye Stefan, bye Damon" I said with a nod of my head.

Just as I passed Damon, I vaguely heard him whisper "I will have you Isabella..."

Oh shit.

"Ugh, your right! Hes such a player!" I exclaimed when Elena and I got home.

"I know..." Elena started but was cut off.

"Bella?" A voice called from the stairs. Wait...I knew that voice...

"Jeremy!" I cried as I ran up the stairs to him.

He enveloped me in a hug as soon as my foot hit the top step, "Its so good to see you!"

I smiled against his chest, "Are you okay? I know about Charlie..."

"I'm fine" I stated looking up at him.

"Good" he rolled his eyes, obviously not believing me.

I yawned so I said, "Alright, I'm hitting the sack" I watched Jeremy grin at my choice of words, "I'll be on the sofa if you need me"

"Help yourself to something to eat or drink if you want" Elena smiled at me, "Night Bella"

"Night" I replied with a sleepy smile as I watched them go up the stairs while I descended down them.

Quickly, I flicked the light off before I flopped down on the sofa and closed my eyes ready for sleep to take me. But I couldn't get asleep, the necklace chain was inching my neck. I groaned and yanked it off, putting it on the coffee table in front of me.

Eventually I fell into unconsciousness just as I felt a cool breeze blow across my face.

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