Part 4: The time with that beloved person

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There was no way Mr.Ichirou could reprimand Kieren for no reason in front of Grandma Akiko and just by the words alone there was nothing wrong. As long as Kieren acted ignorant, there was nothing that could be done against him.

I could see Mr.Ichirou grind his teeth in frustration. And with a clenched fist on his walking stick, he replied,

"I would have to agree that your Grandma Akiko is one of the best teachers. After all, she is the one that founded the Moonfury corp. and led it to become the number one corporation in security in the area of technology and personnel. And not only that, but to do so as a woman no less, admirable."

I couldn't help but glance at Grandma Akiko. I mean, Mr.Ichirou was trying to compliment her but he couldn't hide his misogynist views. It is true that women weren't generally seen at the highest business positions but it was usually due to the fact that they fought in the shadows of their husbands or sons. For him to not understand this when he was the head of the number one in interior design was suspicious. Either he was very lucky, purposefully feigning ignorance or he did not know all the things going on in the company. Seeing that Grandma Akiko was unaffected I looked back to Mr.Ichirou who looked so proud of himself.

(Really...This guy is so full of himself. There is the possibility that he is tricking me for some reason but since this guy judge people based on appearances first and now indirectly insulting grandma Akiko I doubt it. Though not uncommon this guys is probably a figurehead. I guess grandma wants me to practice dealing with these type.)

"Yes, Grandma Akiko is really admirable. As I'm sure you're already aware, when she was just 12 years old she created an impregnable firewall that withstood hacking attempts for 5 years and the only reason it was cracked was because she herself created an even greater virus. Then, at 20 years old she started the personnel security aspect of the Moonfury corp. using the team of bodyguards she trained herself. Ten years later and the Moonfury Corp are well known as the best in the industry."

The old man cut into Kieren's speech.

"Hmph of course I know! That much is common knowledge."

"Ahhh. Well I would like to hear some of the exploits you have made in setting up your company. Did you start off as a small interior designer and capitalized on a specialty design or did you perhaps negotiate with another country's interior design company to collaborate to create a monopoly or maybe you inherited your company and used a business plan from a subordinate?"

"How dare you!"

"Mr.Ichirou please don't get me wrong. I am genuinely curious on how you were able to bring your company to the top. As this is our first time meeting, I am unaware of the accomplishments you have done."

"Very Well! I shall tell you! I was able to bring my company to the top through my admirable leadership and brilliant ideas."

"Such as?"

"Such as what?"

"Ideas such as what?"

Kieren feigned a curious and earnest expression on his face. The exchange between Mr.Ichirou and Kieren attracted the attention of the party crowd. To such a face Mr.Ichirou couldn't afford to dismiss him in front of the crowd or else his integrity and reputation would be damaged.

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