New Friends

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[Johnathon's Pov.]

I opened the fridge to see Sock lounging inside, phasing through the shelving.

"Hey, hot stuff. See something you like?" he asked sarcasticly. That's when a small portal appeared above him and a girl, probably around his age, fall from it and straight onto him.

With a thud, they both fell out of my refrigerator, through my ankles and feet, and onto the kitchen floor. I turned to them wide-eyed,"Who!? What!? How!?"

The girl got up hastily, brushed herself down, and looked around, just getting small glimpses of everything,"Okay, okay, okay, all of this is happening really fast!" She was wearing something simple: a (F/C) jacket over a white long sleeved shirt and a pair of skinny jeans.

"No kidding! Who are you an why are you here!?"

"Okay, let me break it down for you..." she replied, as Sock got up. She took a step back and cleared her throat.

"Hi, I'm (Y/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N), and I'm here to haunt you with someone named Jonathan with..." she started, but then went into her pockets looking for something. She then pulled out a piece of paper and read it,"Napoleon Maxwell Sowachowski?"

"Uh, right here..." Sock said, raising his hand. (Y/N) looked up from the paper and gazed at Sock for a moment.

She put the paper in her pocket and walked circles around him until she finally stopped in front of him to face him. She held out her hand,"Well, hey there, Napoleon! I'm your new partner, paired with you by Mephistopheles."

Sock hesitated, but shook her hand slowly,"You already know my name, but since were stuck together, you can just call me Sock."

"Hm... Okay, Sock it is. Here is my information," she said to Sock, pulling out a file folder from her pocket. "I managed to get a copy of my file."

Sock read it out loud,"(Y/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N)...
Sin(s): Killed herself and another 
Nickname: Hatchet."

I finally spoke and askrd a question, "Hatchet? Why Hatchet?"

"You see, I've always been nifty with a hatchet. It's as strong as an axe but smaller, has a big handle that helps me adjust my grip, and a sharp end. Aaaand because I used a really small hatchet a lot when I was little," (Y/N) explained.

"Hm... I like you already, Hatchet," Sock said, his eyes stuck on the obviously out-dated photo of her on the page. It had her with her hair dyed black with a hatchet in one hand and the middle finger sticking out.

Her cheeks dusted with pink and her eyes widened,"R-Really? Geez, why wasn't making friends when I was alive as easy as this...?"

"I had trouble making friends too, ya know," Sock stated, looking up at her with kind eyes.

I decided to let the two partners talk and left to go to my room. Another demon to keep our of trouble...

[Your Pov.]

"Yeah, I know. I read your file," you saud to Sock with a smirk.

"Hey! Ugh... Anyway, wanna go do something in celebration? Ya know, like for making a new friend or something?" Sock offered you. You had a tingling feeling inside of your chest.

"Sure!" you said excitedly.

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