Lost in The Woods

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Kiley's POV

I can't see them but I can smell them. They are fallowing me. They think I'm lying. I'm not! Duke ,the omega, is planing on killing my mother and father, the alpha's. Duke claimed that I'm lying to The alpha's faces. That causes immediate exile. My mother and Father are leading the patrol to chase me out. They said if my sent or I am caught in the territory I am dead. Those words, Those words someone should have to say to Duke, came from my father to my face. He looked me in the eyes. There was no regret in his. Only hatred my mother, twilight, a light grey and white adult she-wolf, was next to father declaring the words. My mother and father had made me feel as if I was the only pup the pack has ever seen. I feel udderly betrayed. My own den mates are in the patrol that is now biting and snarling at my heels. They have almost caught up to me. I dare to look over my shoulder when I see ashen, my to be mate, bounding at my heels snarling a spiting insulting words.

They can't chase me any farther then here I feel exhausted. The den is in the middle of the territory. I ran from my mother and father's den to here. I have no clue where here is. I have only patrolled the other half of the territory. Ashen always was patrolling this side of the territory. My mother and father disapproved of me being ashen's mate they had us on nothing but separate potrols." You are either going to chase this rouge out or you are going with her, Ashen," my Father, a dark grey he-wolf called scar, said looking me in the eyes to Ashen. Ashen wanted to prove his loyalty. That or he wanted me gone. He never tried to persuade Twilight and Scar to let us on the same patrol. He didn't even look disappointed.

I sniffed the air but all I smell was prey and scent markers for the pack. The pack I had called home and the pack where i had thpufht of the the only place call safety. I have to leave it all behind. My family and friends. I had to turn and face this. I walked for a half a mile before I felt the churning feeling in my stomach. I haven't ate besides the mouse I had on an early morning patrol. My stomach growled so I sniffed the air. I could smell mouse which wasn't going to fill be but then I sniffed the air more and I could smell it. Prey... Rabbit. My favorite prey. I tested the air making sure my scent wasn't blowing to it then I set off to find the next meal.... Or the finale meal.

Ashen's POV

I need a pack more then I need a mate. I've relied on this pack from as long as I can Remember. If anything Ashlyn was just a healer for my heart. I lost honey. Honey was my mate and also Ashlyn's only sister. Honey died by a snake bite I had watched next to Ashlyn as my mate had screeched in horror and pain. Honey was a ginger coated wolf with hazel eyes. She was also the packs main healer. Now Cloud, Honey's apprentice, has to be the pack healer. I didn't love Ashlyn I loved the thought of her. I loved the fact that she was honeys only sister. I don't love Ashlyn. I love honey and I always will.

Scars's POV

My own daughter has lied to the whole pack. I had looked at her with nothing but hatred when I sent her to exile. I decided this was perfect to test Ashen's loyalty. He chased out his to be mate. I am happy to realize that he is loyal bit my for stands on end when ever I pad past him. He chased out my daughter. I have to let it go though. I have said to her that she will be dead if her or her scent is caught by a patrol. I have been keeping myself physically busy so I have no time to think if I am doing the right thing or not. I know I am! Ashlyn might be my own daughter,only daughter now, but she has broke pack rules she has had to be exiled. Its best for my pack. I must do what's best for my pack.

Ashlyn's POV

I sneak up on the rabbit. I am about to pounce when the wind shifts. The rabbit picks up my scent immediately. It turns around looks be in the eyes horrified. It turns to run when I trap it under my paws and kill it with a swift bite to the back of the neck. I pick up the rabbit and look around for a shelter for the night. I finally settle down inside a hallow log. I start eating my rabbit, but after a few minutes I scent something.. Something odd. Less then a heartbeat later I hear barking. Hunters with dogs have came. They want the natural purple in my fur on my ears and tail. They have came after me before but then I had had my pack to help protect me. There was three men with guns and six dogs. They were an average size of German shepherds , which they were German shepherds. After a few more heartbeats I get up and bolt away from the log. I hear one of the men yell something but I couldn't here what he said over that dogs' barking and my own heart pounding in my ears I couldn't focus I only had my reflects to guide me. Just as I get my scenes back I here a gunshot then two more. At last I here a fourth one and I feel a sharp pain in my foreleg. What was I supposed to do? The only healer around that I knew and trusted was cloud, but he is in the territory where its way too far to run with this bullet. Plus I'm in exile. I'm not allowed to go back their territory. After I here two more gunshots that miss I here a different type of snarling then from my old pack mates and different ones from the dogs chasing me. I didn't have time to identify it before my vision turned said.
                                          time skip
"Who is she?" A male my age asked. "Get out of her face before she wakes up other wise she will think more what it looks like then what it is!" another male said but he seemed to be a bit older then the first voice. "Both of you shut your yap before you wake her!" A female my age said. I open my eyes. I look in around the unfamiliar den. I was in my human form now. I just realized the pain in my leg has gone. These other humans weren't regular humans. Like the hunter. They had tails and ears. The others stare at me. I study then and realize they are like me. They can change from wolf and human form. I also realize I'm in a different out for than I was last time I was in this form. I had a black beanie, purple tank top, but since of was autumn I also had a black leather jacket, and blue jeans. I saw that their was four males and six females. "Hello!" The oldest looking female wolf says as the oldest male steps forward.

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