o n e / a w k. i n t r o

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oHohoH, gOd sOmeme iS here aNd hOnestLy pRobabLy nOt aS lIt aS eVEr bC iSsuEs, bUt aT leAst I LeaRNed how to make holy water- it's honestly funny because I'm not even kidding

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oHohoH, gOd sOmeme iS here aNd hOnestLy pRobabLy nOt aS lIt aS eVEr bC iSsuEs, bUt aT leAst I LeaRNed how to make holy water- it's honestly funny because I'm not even kidding.

sAdly mOst of my friends deleted as wEll due to emo-ness and I don't think they're coming back so teers. but I pray that they're okay and happy as ever bc I lof them all so much.

anYwhores, yer fave maknae graduated middle school a while ago

i'M in need of some new chingus so pls don't hesitate to hit this bean up-

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i'M in need of some new chingus so pls don't hesitate to hit this bean up-

okAY bYe

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2017 ⏰

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