Chapter 2

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 After I started to get over the shock I frantically looked around for prof that I was wrong. I scanned the crowd that had now gathered on the street looking for the faces I needed to see. They'll show up in a minuet  I told myself They are just out of my view I just need a better view of the area.

"Stay in the car." I yelled to the kids as I  got out of the car. I stood  there for a minuet not knowing what to do. I glanced back at the pile of rumble that had been our house it still had a little fire still burning but most of it was smoke. I stood there for a minuet just staring at it a feeling the reality sink in before I realized some one was calling my name. I looked over to see Zach Harrington running to me a look of relief and concern on his face.

"Are you OK?" He asked as he grabbed my wrists to hold me with pain on his face as he looked over me to make sure I was perfectly fine.

"Physically?" I asked not sure in what essence he meant. At this he paused and looked at the ground and a look of concentration on his face and I knew that he was trying to think of a reply.

"Lily and James." He asked after a while and looked around trying to see them.

"In the car." I replied quickly as I saw the panic rising in his eyes. At this he glanced over to the car and kept his eyes on the car not looking at me.

"Zach." I said trying to turn his attention back to me.

"Zach look at me." I said the desperation rising inside me rang through my voice. He looked up at me slowly and stared in my eyes the look on his face told me that he already knew what I was going to ask.

"Martha don't." He pleaded with me. But I had to ask and here the answer even though part of me knew the answer it wouldn't seem real until I heard it said.

"Answer the question." I said as I stared into his green eyes that I knew so well.

"You didn't ask." He replied slowly obviously trying to avoid answering me.

"Do I have to?" I asked even though I knew I didn't he knew me better than anybody probably even Megan. He was a old family friend so we had know each other since we were in diapers he was like my big brother, and that's how I saw him my big brother that I didn't have.

"No. Oh Martha I'm so sorry." He chocked out  "I'm so sorry." I stared at him for a second as my vision went blurry because of the tears that started to stream down my face. He pulled me into a hug and let me cry. We stood there for a minuet before I turned around and looked at the crowd.

Some were watching the firefighters finish up. Others were walking around talking to others or into cellphones that were up next to their ears. The rest were watching us with looks of pity and worry. This annoyed me didn't they have a better thing to do than just stand there watching and feeling sorry for us.

Then I turned my attention towards the car as I remembered the kids. Zach noticed where I was looking and pulled me over to the side.

"Come on let's go get them." He said sorely and started walking toward the car keep a hand on my arm. When we got to the car Zach opened the door and helped them out. Lily who had tears streaming down her face reached up and put her hands around my neck as I picked her up. James grabbed my hand and held it tightly his face unlike Lily's wasn't stained with tears. He looked as if he had been trying not to for her sake, but I could see the hurt in his eyes.

"Martha?" Lily asked softly and I dreaded what she was about to ask.

"Yes?" I asked uneasy and nervous dread spreading through me.

"Where's mommy and daddy?" She asked in the most innocent voice that tore at my heart.

James started to say something then stopped and looked up at me hopefully. I knew then that  he understood what it meant that they weren't over with us, but was still hopeful.

What was I going to say I wasn't ready to do this. I looked at Zach for help but he just stared back at me then at Lily and James he clearly didn't know what to say either. Then I noticed two people walking  toward us and recognized them instantly as Zach's parents. Mr. Harrington went up to Zach and put his hand on Zach's shoulder.

"Come on guys your going to stay at our house for a couple days." Mrs. Harrington said softly in a hoarse voice that told me she had been crying. So we followed them to their house the crowd following us with their eyes.

Hey guys sorry about how short the chapters are I plan to make chapter three a little longer. Let me know what you think thanks for reading. :)

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