Does she want your help?

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Later I posted: The hard part is waiting for that moment if you really like them.. Or getting disappointed when your phone rings and it's not him


My phone woke me up in the middle of the night. I felt dizzy and confused but took it and answered the phone almost asleep.

J: "Hello?"   D: "Just...Justine?"  I was awake in a second and sat on my bed.  "Demi? What happened?" I heard her crying hysterically and was really worried. She told me about what happened with Wilmer. J: "Demi are you drunk?"  D: "I'm so sorry! I just didn't know what to do!"  J: "Sshhh, please calm down!" I tried me best to soothe her but nothing really seemed to help her. I was so worried and afraid, I started crying trying my best to comfort her. Then I started singing through the phone.

When you try your best but you don't succeed

When you get what you want but not what you need

When you feel so tired but you can't sleep

Stuck in reverse

And the tears come streaming down your face

When you lose something you can't replace

When you love someone but it goes to waste

Could it be worse?

Lights will guide you home

And ignite your bones

And I will try to fix you

And high up above or down below

When you're too in love to let it go

But if you never try you'll never know

Just what you're worth

Lights will guide you home

And ignite your bones

And I will try to fix you

Tears stream down your face

When you lose something you cannot replace

Tears stream down your face

And I

Tears stream down your face

I promise you I will learn from my mistakes

Tears stream down your face

And I

Lights will guide you home

And ignite your bones

And I will try to fix you

I really like this song. It helped me a lot whenever I felt down or sad and tried my best for her. Demi's crying got quieter till I only heard silent sobs. "Go to bed sweetie." I tell her.


I laid myself down and closed my eyes. "I will stay on the phone until you fall asleep." Justine said and I nodded my head although I knew she couldn't see me. "Ok" I whispered "Can you sing it again?" She started again and I closed my eyes. "Everything is going to be alright, Demi! I promise. Please stay strong, gorgeous girl! You can do that!" She told me all those sweet things and I fell asleep listening to her.

I woke up the next morning still holding my phone in my hand. She was able to calm me down. Again.

I texted Justine. "I'm so sorry for last night. I don't want to betray our friendship because of my shit!"  J: "Don't even think like that! I'm ok. I am old enough to know my boundaries. You don't expect too much of me. How are you feeling today?"   D: "I have a terrible headache and I have to clear my mind!"   J: "Go for a walk! That helps me. Accept your feelings and PLEASE ask for help! You don't have to go through this alone!"   D: "I know. That's why I called you!"   J: "Demi that's an honor, really. But I can't give you the support you need. I'm thousands of miles away. And I'm not a professional. Please get help from your team! I am really anxious!"  D: "I will ask for help!"  J: "PROMISE me!"   D: "I promise you!"


I was really worried the last few days after that night. I wasn't able to concentrate at work, couldn't sleep well. I bothered myself about her. Even my parents noticed that something was wrong.

Mom: "Justine what is wrong with you today? You hardly speak with us? What is bothering you honey?" I looked at my laptop and gave a smile. J: "Mom I can't talk about it right now. But I am fine. It's a friend I worry about. She goes through a rough time right now!"  Dad: "Can you help her?"  J: "I'm trying and hoping the best. She is... she is very special to me. But it's difficult. I don't know her for a long time, but she means a lot to me already." D: "Just hang in there! You are such a strong woman. Listen to your heart honey! I am sure, you already know, how you could probably help her!" J: "Thank you dad! She deserves to be happy and I really want to help her!"  M: "Does she want your help?"

That sentence kept me awake that night. I couldn't stop thinking about it. Does she want my help? Am I the right person to help her? I know that I can't fix her problems, that she needs professional help from other people. But does she want me by her side? Does she even want to get any help?


I didn't kept my promise and asked for help. I was just to afraid to tell my team because they supported me so much the last time and I don't want to disappoint them. I felt really sorry for Justine, for my team, my fans and for myself. Almost a week is over after I texted Justine my promise and I didn't answer her calls or replied to her texts. I felt so terrible. But we are on our way to New York right now because of an interview for TV. I am not sure if it is a good idea to visit her.

Because of you (Demi Lovato fan fiction)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat