Chapter Two: Crushing Resolve

Start from the beginning

"I don't mean to be rude sir, but I don't see how that's any of your business." I stayed calm and stood my ground against Mr. Farrelly. I had to get out of that classroom as soon as possible and find Lance. I've always had this feeling that Mr. Farrelly didn't like Lance through another class that Lance had with him.

"By how you're acting I'll take it as a yes to dating Mr. McCall. I'd be careful if I was you Mr. Kings."

"And why's that?"

Mr. Farrelly suddenly gave a small chuckle.

"You never know who might find out about such a thing. Something like this could ruin a friendship or maybe even start family troubles."

"Are you threatening my family Mr. Farrelly?"

"I-m just saying---"

"And I'll say this. My parents know about the relationships I've been in, both males and females, and there supportive none the less. Now, if you don't mind... I have a class to get to." I reached out to open the door only to have it shut quickly from behind. I slowly looked behind me to see Mr. Farrelly, his face so close to mine that I could smell the faint smell of tobacco on his breath (most likely from a cigarette he managed to sneak before class).

"I really have to get going Mr. Farrelly. My next teacher will wonder where I'm at if I don't hurry."

"Let them wonder Mr. Kings, I'm not finished talking with you."

I suddenly got this eerie feeling that I was going to be in a hell of a lot of trouble. I pulled at the door, but Mr. Farrelly just kept his weight on it, preventing me from opening it far enough to get out. I had no idea what I was going to do.

Lucky for my Lance was making his way to Mr. Farrelly's room (since I didn't show up at my locker), to see what was taking me so long. He was worried that maybe I had gotten into trouble for almost being late. Before reaching Mr. Farrelly's classroom, Lance saw a classmate of ours who shared the same class as me and ask if he had seen me.

"Hey, have you seen Aden anywhere?"

"Mr.Farrell asked him to stay after class got out, but that was like five minutes ago. He better hurry or he's going to be late for his next class."

That's when Lance started to get really worried about me. He never really liked Mr. Farrelly much for some reason but hearing that he had asked me to stay after, after all the trouble I had been having, made him have a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach.

"He better not fucking touch Aden. I don't like him, I've never liked him, and he's always looking at Aden with--- I don't even want to think about it. I just have to get to him before something happens, before that bastard does something to him."

Lance quickened his pace to get to Mr. Farrelly's room as soon as possible. I was trying to keep my distance from Mr. Farrelly. But I was running out of time. Mr. Farrelly was starting to cross a line a teacher shouldn't. With the door block there was one other option I could take. Yeah, if I wanted to possibly die that is, I could try my chances with the window, and I was thinking about it when I heard someone at the door.

"Aden are you still in there?!"

Thank God for Lance.

"Lance, je suis lŕ! S'il vous plaît aider!" (Lance, I'm in here! Please help!) I yelled out in French to him. Knowing that he would understand since we take French together.

"Accrochez-vous à Aden! J'arrive!" (Hang on Aden! I'm coming!)

Just what I expect. He understood what was going on. Almost automatically the door swung open, almost hitting Mr. Farrelly. When Lance stepped into the classroom he eyed Mr. Farrelly with an intense glare, and Mr. Farrely gave one back at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2019 ⏰

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