"Break!" He hollered, "everyone get cleaned up and heal your injuries. We'll be back in the air in five minutes."

Everyone landed and started back to the locker room. Everyone except for me, that is. I was still hitting bludgers in random directions, bored at their need for breaks.

New girl was talking to Cai, she asked, "why isn't she coming down as well?" They were looking up at me.

"Like I said earlier, she doesn't play to her fullest, she gets bored. So when we take breaks, she hits them as hard as she wants." Cai explained.

"Why does she never play as hard as she can?" New girl questioned curiously.

Marlene joined the conversation, "from what Lily's said and how Bex acts, it seems as if something happened a while back. Something caused her to hate the game and not ever want to play as hard as she can. I'm guessing someone got hurt."

New girl stood at the entrance, watching me, while everyone else went in. I hit the bludger as hard as I could, to get my anger out, it flew towards the Hufflepuff stands, crashing through the wood.

The second bludger came for me from behind, I let it come as close as possible before I hit it down, crashing into the snowy surface and digging up some grass.

I forgot new girl was watching me as I continued to knock the bludgers around. I only remembered when movement from the corner of my eye made me look down. Sirius was standing with new girl at the entrance, he was helping her with her bloody nose.

Anger spiked inside of me, I got this funny feeling inside of me. I didn't like him being near her, I didn't like them being so close, I didn't like them touching. Angrily, I hit the bludger with such force, the bat made a sickening sound, cracking.

I landed with a dangerous look on my face. I shoved past the pair in the doorway.

"What's wrong with her?" New girl asked softly as they followed me in curiously.

I stormed to James. "I've got to go, I'll be back in about five, maybe ten minutes."

"What? Where are you going?" James stood, dropping the ice pack. "You can't just leave practice!"

I thrust the bat into his arms, "I need to get my other bat. I dented this one." I turned to leave, "I'll be back shortly." I walked out without another word, storming off towards the castle.

"Man, she's so hot when she's angry." I heard Sirius mutter.

"Yeah and most of the times it's directed towards you." James chuckled.

"I'll be back, I'm going after her." He told James before I heard his footsteps running behind me. "Gorgeous!" He called.

"What Black?" I asked, continuing on my way.

He caught up to me and placed his arm around my shoulder, "how is it that you managed to dent an iron beaters bat?" He smirked down at me, his eyes were playful and amused.

"Leave me alone, Black. I'm not in the mood for your games. Can't you see that?" I glared at him.

"Hey! That was a serious question!" He defended himself.

I smirked, "of course it was a Sirius question. No one else is stupid enough to ask something like that."

"Alright. Enough with the name jokes." He rolled his eyes. "Just answer my question."

"Why don't you ask new girl? You seemed to be getting quite close to her." I started up the stairs, going to the Room of Requirement.

"What do you mean?" He asked in confusion.

"Nothing." I muttered, rolling me eyes.

"No," he pushed me against the wall, the painting crying out in surprise. "What did you mean?"

I scoffed, "it's so obvious, Black. Don't play stupid."

"What are you talking about? I'm not playing! I really have no idea what you're talking about." He insisted.

I glared at him, "of course you aren't, you really are this stupid. It's a wonder you even pass your exams."

He rolled his eyes, "just cut to the chase, what are you talking about?"

"It's obvious that you have a thing for new girl. She's the girl you were talking about over break, right? You like her. Anyone with eyes can tell." I explained angrily.

"What? No-" he started but stopped himself with a grin on his face. "Are you jealous?"

I scoffed, "don't be ridiculous, Black. Why would I be jealous? Me of all people. I hate you, or did you forget? Was the bludger not proof enough for you? Should I send another your way?"

He chuckled, "that really hurt you know, you've got quite the arm. But I think you are jealous. That's why you're being so hostile towards Callie. You think we have something going on, which I'm not denying, but still. You're jealous." He grinned.

I pushed him away from me, continuing up the stairs. "Yeah right, Black. I'm not jealous. I've never had any reason to ever be jealous. And that's not happening anytime soon." I knew I was lying to myself, this pain inside of me couldn't be anything but jealousy. But I'd never let him know that.

"Come on, Gorgeous! Go on a date with me! One date," he ran to catch up with me, hurrying up the moving stairs. "That's all I want."

"Stop asking me on dates, Black. New girl might get the wrong idea about us." I sighed, shaking my head.

"Oh come on, this weekend, we'll go to Hogsmeade. Just answer the question. Do you want to go out with me?" He persisted, following me down the seventh floor corridor.

"Can't, I already have plans." I informed, not telling him purposely that those plans are with his brother.

"That doesn't answer my question. The question was do you want to go out, not can you." He smirked, "do you want to go out?"

I stood in front of the Room of Requirement entrance, looking at him. Finally I answered, "no."

He frowned, "why not?"

"You haven't done anything but make me hate you. Why would I go on a date with you? Besides, you like someone, why would you even want to go out with me? So you can finally check me off your list of girls you've dated? No thanks." I quickly grabbed a beaters bat from the room, leaving just as quickly.

"Forget about this other girl. Pretend you didn't know about her. Just think of me and you. Do you like me?" He asked, standing in front of me, blocking me from walking any further down the corridor.

"No, I hate you." I lied to not only him, but myself as well. "Can we just get back to practice?" I sighed, running a hand through my curls.

He nodded eventually, letting me pass him and go down the hall. "This doesn't change anything!" He spoke, following me, "I'm still going to get that date from you."

We made it back to the field, and just as soon as I got there, we started back up practice. I hit bludgers, much softer this time, but still with enough force to leave bruises. This was, after all, my day.


So what did you guys think? Any good? I'm feeling like I should add some more Bex Day's later on, any thoughts on that?

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