A Visit to Hogwarts

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25 years later

As the green flames receded, George stepped out of the fireplace and dusted off some of the ash that clung to his brown pinstripe suit.

"Welcome back, Mr. Weasley," he heard a kind, familiar voice say.

George looked up at who had addressed him and a huge smile stretched across his face. "Neville Longbottom!" he exclaimed, reaching out for his hand and shaking it vigorously. Neville tried to pull his hand back, but George tightened his grip, dropped his briefcase, and pulled him into a hug.

"Oof! George!" he protested, laughing. "It's good to see you, too."

George released him after a few seconds and looked him up and down. "Blimey, mate, how you've changed!"

"Well, I'd hope so!" Neville's jaw looked stronger, more pronounced; and there was the slightest hint of dark facial hair, like he'd shaved that morning, but the shadow of it just wouldn't go away. He was looking older, wiser...and it filled George with a slight sense of pride. After all, he had been part of his house, and Dumbledore's Army: always the butt of everyone's joke. Then the war started, and Neville had proved himself to be a true Gryffindor. Now, as George looked at him, he could see that he hadn't lost one bit of that bravery and strength.

Then George heard someone else clear their throat from behind Neville. The Herbology professor stepped aside to reveal another familiar face.

"Good morning, Mr. Weasley," she said.

" Professor McGonagall!" he exclaimed. "Or should I be addressing you as 'Headmistress' now?"

"'Professor' will do quite nicely, Mr. Weasley," she replied, smiling. "I trust your journey was pleasant?"

"Why yes, Professor," he replied, "although, it was rather difficult to get the Floo Powder to work: took me about three tries, and ended up in some Muggle's brewery called 'The Hog's Back.' Thank god they weren't open, but I still had to Obliviate all of the staff."

She nodded in understanding. "I apologize for the hassle, Mr. Weasley, but I'm sure that you of all people can understand the necessity for tighter security when it comes to visitors."

He nodded solemnly. "I understand." Then he managed to crack a small smile. "You know, you don't have to 'Mr. Weasley' me every time you speak to me. For example, I do have a first name."

She smiled again. "That's true, Mr. Weasley, but that would be hardly appropriate, wouldn't you agree?" she asked.

"I suppose not." There was a moment of silence in the room. "So, what's the plan?" George asked.

"The students will gather in the great hall for dinner, and you'll do your...presentation there," said McGonagall. "After that, you're free to wander the castle a bit."

"Alright, sounds good to me," said George, rubbing his hands together. "How much longer until dinner?"

"The students will start filing in in about half an hour."

"Alright. I'd better start getting ready, then." George grabbed his briefcase from the floor and started to walk towards the door.

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