Is it true?

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What you fealt was the stich. All around his arm. You heard the boy mumbling he was about awake so you let go and pulled out a glass of water as you acted like you were trying to wake him up. So you made it look like you was tapping him lightly. And then he woke up and looked around

Boy: Huh? Where am i?

He looks at you and looks confused

Hello. Im sorry for this. I just needed you to wake up. You were out longer than i was so. I want to see if you were ok. So i tried to wake you up. Here. Some water-

You helped him sit up carefully and gave him the cup. He dranked it and looked back at you

Boy: Where are we?
We are at Moxy's house.-
Boy: Oh. Well thank you. And how did we end like this?
Heh heh. Funny story...-

You told him everything Moxy told you. And Moxy walked in and you all chatted about that and you guys somehow ended on you sitting in the middle of the boy and Moxy and you guys are watching a movie. So you looked at him.

I never got your name what is it?-
Boy: Oh. Um... I guess you didnt believe me before but you can call me Nag for now.
Nag? What a strange nickname.-
Nag: Yeah...
Anyways. You already know me. So there's no point as for me to tell you.-
Nag: Yeah... Nice nickname though.
Moxy: Shhhh.... You guys be quiet.

You and Nag shutted up and watched the rest of the movie.

(ok editor here. Now. Im probably not going to do names until later in the book but for now. Time to know about you character)

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