“But, you’re graduating.  He can’t keep you away from Russ anymore.  If he does, you can just move out.  I know Russ wants you to move in with him,” I replied.  I knew it was true.  They always talked about her moving in with him right after graduation.  Georgia used to sigh and say she couldn’t wait.

“I can’t.  And, I don’t want to talk about it,” she snapped.  I could see that she instantly regretted speaking that harshly to me.  “I’m sorry.  It’s just that there is more I have to consider now.”  Her face was glum.  I didn’t want this to be a sad day for her.

“What time do you need to leave?” I asked trying to change the subject.

“In about twenty minutes.  Do you want me to help pick out your clothes and do your hair?”

“No, I can do it.  I was thinking maybe you need me to make you an sandwich while you finish getting ready,” I beamed my brightest smile.

“Well, what’s got into you?  I’d love a snack.  Nothing big though.”  She turned back to the mirror and I made my way to the kitchen to make her a snack.

Ten minutes later I walked back to our room with a plate of cheese and crackers for Georgia.  We shared the snack and she left for the school.  She had to be there way before we did so I had plenty of time after she left.


The ceremony was long.  When I say long, I mean L. O. N. G.  There were 768 students in her class.  There were a lot of speeches by teachers, the principal, and students.  Everyone tried to be encouraging and uplifting.  Mom and Dad got along well for the night.

After the student threw their caps in the air and caught them, the crowd of parents and family members ran onto the field to see their student.  Dad grabbed my hand and pulled me through the crowd with Mom holding onto my other.  We weaved past families making our way to Georgia.

I had never been on the football field before.  I was worried that all these people would be in trouble because it was against the rules to be on the field.  No one did, so I guess they made an exception for graduation.

Finally, we found Georgia.  Dad dropped my hand and scooped her up in a hug.  Looking on, they looked so natural in the loving embrace.  He actually looked like a proud dad.

“I’m so proud of you, Georgia,” he beamed as he sat her back down.

“Thanks, Dad,” she didn’t seem to mind the put on as she reached over me to hug Mom.

“Oh, honey, I’ve never been so happy,” tears spilled from Mom’s eyes as she gushed over Georgia.

“Thanks,” she smiled as Dad gave her another crushing hug.

As soon as he let her go she reached down to me with a hug, “I think I could hear you screaming and clapping when they called my name.”

My fat cheeks turned red, “That was the point.  You worked hard for today.  And, I thought you might trip if I could distract you enough,” I giggled at the last part.

Georgia tried to give me a stern look, but she ended up giggling right along with me.

“Georgia, You can go out tonight with your friends but, be home early.  I’m taking us to the lake for the rest of the weekend.  How does that sound,” Dad seemed happy with his idea.

Georgia and I agreed that we would like that.  Georgia gave us all one last hug before she ran off to find her friends.  Mom, Dad, and me went to dinner and then home to pack for the lake.  It was going to be a short trip with only one full day so there wasn’t that much packing to be done.

A Year of Her LifeWhere stories live. Discover now