Breaking Cages

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        "I certainly hope you arn't claiming I'm that other person," Pan told her.

The little lost girl laughed through her tears. "Are you kidding me? Are you really that mindless?" She paused, shaking her head. "I'm addressing to myself," she choked.

        "Oh," Pan started. "Well, clearly hatred wasn't the only thing you truly felt...because you broke the spell on your dreams. You've stopped my hourglass."

        "What hourglass?"

        "The one holding my youth. And because of the love we have for each other, I no longer need Henry. Course I can't be too sure that's the case, not quite yet. But I'm debating. You might just get your wish, little Anna. Henry might also get his freedom."

        "We don't have anything!" Anne continued protesting. Pan came to his knees to meet Anne's eye level.

        "You can deny it all you want, but it's true. You'll see it is soon enough," he told her desperately.

        "Perhaps you can keeping dreaming, Pan because I don't love you. I never have, never will. I hate you! You're blind and confused. You only see what you want to see. You're looking at Lydia when you tell me we have love."

        "You're lieing!" Pan cried, hopeful and feeling hurt. Anne could see how vulnerable he was.

        "You'd like to think so. Something broke the spell on my dreams but it wasn't love. Something stopped your hourglass but it wasn't me."

        "But it was, Anna! What else could it possibly be?!" Pan cried some more.

Anne really looked at Pan this time. Before, he was so intimidating, so strong and sure of himself. But now he was only a lonely lost boy, confused and weak. Human. "You know it's could think someone was so strong and so powerful, but when you don't even have to try, they suddenly break," she told him.

        "It's because I love you, Anna!" Pan cried some more. Anne shook her head.

        "You love Lydia!" She corrected scooting back far into her cage refusing to believe Pan.

Through his frustration, tears threatening to spill down his face, Pan gave up and shot to a stand, leaving. He breathed. Maybe he didn't love Anne. Maybe he just loved Lydia. Maybe they didn't have anything. Maybe Pan just wanted them to have something. Maybe he was all wrong about what breaks a spell and what can stop his hourglass.

What was happening to him? He wondered. Why had he just nearly bursted in front Anne? What was she doing to him? How was she able to do anything to him? No one, never, could even possibly come this close to hurting or phasing him Pan, but Anne had. Losing Lydia and Rumple, hurting all the people Pan had and all the mistakes he had made...the pain was coming to him, all at once now. He didn't cry though.

His head was hurting. Then he started kicking Anne's cage, constantly. She was of course flinching. And he kicked and kicked. So much rage in his kicking and he broke the cage. He was mad, tense, inhuman. Almost himself again. Then he snatched Anne by her wrist pulling her from her cage now. The snapped hanging twigs and sticks from the cage scratched her on her way out just barely cutting through her skin. 

Showing no mercy, Pan had his arms around Anne's body. "It doesn't matter if we love each other. It doesn't have to. You're mine now no matter what!" He spat in her face. "And you won't be going anywhere!" Then within an instant, Pan attacked her lips with his own. He closed his eyes tight and kissed her harder then he ever had.

Of course Anne tried to fight but with this much anger controlling Pan, her resistance was useless. Pan was strong and powerful again, dangerous. Heartless. And he controlled the pain inside of him, doing it because he was making it disappear the harder he kissed Anne. She was making his pain grow smaller and smaller back to the size it was before she had pulled it out of him.

Then her strength was stolen from her. The pounding of her heart and head increased. Pan's kissing was rough but it was starting to over flow with passion that also tore Anne down. Then finally she gave in. Was kissing him back with her eyes closing, moving his lips fast and connecting with him in desperation, in need. Never had she wanted Pan more.

Finally she wanted him. Some tears then broke from her eyes and slipped down her soft face, sliding into her and Pan's kiss. He tasted the salt water on her lips but could only smile.

He had gotten rid of his pain...gave it away. He was powerful again, feeding off the innocent as he had always done. No pain, no guilt, nothing.


A.N. Well holy crap. I'm sorry I'm updating sooo freaking much and so fassst but I can't help it, guys, I'm having so much fun!!! And I wanted to thank you all so much for all of your support and all of the votes and comments!! It's so sweet <333 and it makes me so happy you all are enjoying the story so far!! So that's that :D and thanks for reading (if you did). Like I said I'm really sorry for updating non stop. I'll give you all a break after this chapter, maybe give you a week or a few days <33

Also this is NOT the end of the story.

The Piper's Song ~OUAT Peter Pan fanfiction (Book 1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang