Chapter 2

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Danaya hurried to the throne room, dressed for battle, her mind preoccupied with the events of the past weeks.

Amihan's victory at the competition for the crown, Pirena's refusal to accept defeat and her succeeding rebellion. 

And just now, their battle with Hathoria, with Amihan leading them and Pirena fighting with the enemy.  It had been a bloody and furious fight at the shores of Adamya.

What bothered her most of all at the battle, though, was Aquil fighting side by side with Alira, the former mashna of that fallen kingdom, Sapiro, and who was now serving them in Lireo.  Alira, an expert fighter, was as deadly as she was pretty and before today, Danaya had always thought well of her.

She saw Aquil save Alira, however, and heard him tell her to take care. He even smiled at her. Pashnea!  That wretched Alira. Danaya had been so angry that she had stabbed the Hathor closest to her. 

It had made her distracted, too. She might have gotten hurt with the enemies closing in on all sides, if not for Muros, who had been fighting at her back and skilfully disposed of any Hathors who got too close to her.

Now, their mother Queen was sending her and Muros to bargain for a truce with the Hathors.  She was glad it was Muros who was going with her since there was no one else she trusted more.  Except for Aquil, of course.

Muros was waiting for her by the throne room doors.  She nodded to him and they stepped inside together.

Her mother was alone with Imaw.  They were given some final words of warning and then it was time to make the trip into their enemy's territory.

"Are you ready, Sang'gre?" Muros asked her.

She raised her chin. "I'm not afraid."

He didn't answer but smiled down at her instead.

Danaya felt Muros press close against her back. She closed her eyes and concentrated. She felt the stirring of the earth as they both disappeared.

The second they appeared in Hathoria in front of Hagorn and his lackeys, Muros twirled his two swords ready. He was already crouched in attack position.

He called out firmly, "Hagorn! We are not here to fight. We wish to speak with you on our queen's behalf."

Hagorn was sitting on his throne with Pirena standing at his left.  Danaya raised her arnis as well, as Pirena faced her defiantly.

Hagorn glowered at them menacingly and threatened to have them both killed, but he was held back by the power of Danaya's earth gem and forced to listen to their message, nonetheless.

"It's your choice," Muros raised his voice. "Will you accept our queen's conditions or not?" 

She couldn't help but admire the confidence in his stance and the commanding tone of his voice. He would make a great mashna as well. It was no wonder Aquil thought so highly of him.

King Hagorn of Hathoria grudgingly agreed and Danaya and Muros prepared to leave.  He straightened and once again pressed close against her back.  She had the sudden thought that his warmth felt rather nice but she firmly banished that idea. She was looking forward to seeing Aquil when they got home.

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