I glanced over at her as we stopped at a red light.

"He just moved here?"

Hannah nodded.

"How is he already having a party?"

"He's throwing a 'welcome to the neighborhood party'". She said, using air quotes.

"How did you hear about this?" I asked.

"Brooke told me, and Arielle told her." Hannah answered.

I laughed, rolling my eyes.

"You don't even know this guy."

"It doesn't matter. Everyone is going." said Hannah.

"I'm not." I replied softly.

Hannah sighed.

"I know you're not, which is why I was gonna ask you if you wanted to come with me tonight."

"Han, you know I can't." I said.

Hannah groaned.

"Come on, Carly! Your parents probably won't be home, so why can't you just sneak out?" She asked.

I flicked on my blinker as I made a right turn into Hannah's block.

"I don't wanna disobey them like that." I answered, kind of sounding stupid.

Hannah groaned again.

"They wouldn't even know!"

I didn't answer.

"Just stay for an hour! If you want to leave, then we'll leave." said Hannah.

I pulled into Hannah's driveway and put the car in park. She unbuckled her seatbelt and turned towards me.

"Please, Carls. I miss hanging out with you." She pleaded, sticking out her bottom lip.

I sighed, feeling bad. But I just couldn't.

"I can't, Hannah. Parties aren't my thing." I answered.

She rolled her eyes and opened the car door, getting out. She leaned down to look at me through the open door.

"Are you sure you don't wanna come? Let loose for once? Have some fun?"

I shook my head.


She nodded.

"Fine. Text me if you change your mind."

"I will." I said, attempting a smile.

She waggled her fingers as a goodbye and shut the door, heading into her 2 story brick house.

I watched her go inside, and then I put the car in drive, pulling out and driving away down the street.

I did feel bad that I didn't do the things Hannah did, but I wasn't that person, and I know my parents wouldn't want me to be that person either.

After about another 5 minutes or so, I turned the corner into my neighborhood, a more wealthy community with larger houses and bigger yards in a cul de sac.

I pulled into the garage of my house, a modern building with wood paneling and gray brick, big windows and a hilly driveway and lawn.

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