Chromxmalerobin coffee shop au thing

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Chrom was still sleepy since he stayed up late in a heated battle of monopoly with Lissa. He and Lissa decided to go to the small new coffee shop that was close by. As soon as he opened the door he was attacked with the delicious smell of coffee and pastries. Lissa ran to the display case and said "OH YEAH BOI GET ME SOME OF THESE!" She pointed at the cinnamon buns. "Alright just a sec." Said the man behind the counter. Chrom looked at the worker and suddenly he heard a choir of angels. Then he realized he was staring. "In a tired daze huh?" Asked the man. "Uh yeah, um i would like the most caffeine filled thing you have." Said Chrom. "Right away." Said the man asked he started making some coffee. "That will be about $2.40." Said the man. "Um, you didn't charge for the cinnamon buns." Said Chrom because of his since of justice he could not leave without paying for his sisters cinnamon treats. "Don't worry, its on the house." Said the man behind the counter. "REALLY?!?!?!?!?!?! FIRST I WIN AT MONOPOLY AND NOW I GET FREE CINNAMON BUNS IM ON A ROLL!!!!" Exclaimed Lissa. "I insist on paying for the cinnamon buns." Said Chrom. "Look either you take the free cinnamon buns or you get nothing." The man joked. "Alright fine, uh thank you..." "Robin, the name's Robin." Said the man. "Thank you Robin, Im Chrom." Said Chrom. "Well, have a nice day Chrom." Robin said with a smile. As Chrom and Lissa walked out of the door, Chrom thought to himself, "Robin, the perfect name for the perfect face."

As Chrom and Lissa walked out of the door Robin thought to himself, "Chrom, the perfect name for the perfect face..................................... SAMURAI PIZZA CATS."
"GOD DAMN IT!!" Robin yelled.

TO BE CONTINUED  (probably, maybe)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2017 ⏰

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