Chapter 1

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     I'm Lila I've been scared for 3 months and I don't know what to do or say... Let's get this straight I Lila Gordon am being stalked.
   "Mom I'm going to the beach" said Lila.
    "Be home by sunset" my mom said worried knowing she has a stalker. I'm now at the beach I see the same white van I see every day in my front yard.
    "Bb"I go forcefully in the water. I'm not supposed to be under water. There is literally 302 people at the beach how are they not seeing me be forced underwater?
     "I need a medic!!!!!" Yells a random man with fear. There I was just laying there face down in the water unconscious screaming in my head. Can anyone hear me? Am I dead?
   I hear an ambulance. Wait I'm not hearing the ambulance I'm in it! O god what's happening to me?
   " She is in bfib!!!!!!" Yells an medic.
"Mm......o...u" I tried telling them my name.
  The tv in my hospital room is on. The news is on.
   "Well, Jim it was a beautiful day until Lila Gordon was being drowned by her stalker," " We don't know who the stalker is but for now the NYPD is working on this case also Lila the 14 year old girl is in a hospital that is it for now we'll see you tonight at Fox News " says the news man on the tv.

      I'm home and tomorrow is the first day of 8th grade.

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