1) When my life changed...

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Lady Lianna

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I was getting a bit angry but trough years of practice I was getting quite good in controling my feelings. Whenever I was upset, I counted numbers and it calmed me, I had to calm down, I had to... I would die if I didn't. My mom was very careful with me in her opinion but if you ask mine, she pushes my buttons a lot and that could be dangerous.
And most off the time our discussions concerned boys. You see, she never intended to have a daughter who can't have strong emotions, so when I reached an age where I would be ready to marry, she snapped. At first she began asking me about the marriages of my friends, and she was always very specific :"How did Lady Patricia's date go, honey" or "Did that new husband of lady Margareth buy a new castle like she wanted?" All very strange. But as time passed, and after a couple trips to the doctor because of our arguments, she finally realised that she could not change the fact that I was never going to survive love and for that reason I would never have a husband.
So she went on to mourn her grandchildren and her grand line of Delacroix in silence and left me be.

It was a beautifull morning and I got out of bed, an hour earlier then usual, just to watch the sun climb the sky... the air was full of potential and it promised to be a great day. I was getting a bit too happy, so to stop my heart from pounding I went downstairs. There is nothing like my mother in the morning to break my high spirits and level my good mood out. I arrived at our dining room and my elaborate breakfast was already at my place near the fireplace, the castle could get a little cold in the winter and specially in the morning so I always sat near the fireplace. My mother had her usual eggs. "Goodmorning mother" "Goodmorning darling, did you sleep well tonight?" She looked up from her important letters wich she always replied during breakfast "yes mother" she went on with her business. I started eating my breakfast and when I was nearly done, I saw my best friend coming from the living room. "Aleisia!" I stood up and gave her a hug. "Goodmorning lady Lianna" she smiled at me and went on with her chores. Just when she was in the other room, my mom descided to open her mouth:" you shouldn't do that" my mothers cold voice broke every happy feeling I had this morning. "Do what mom?" She had this look in her eyes that I knew so well "All I am saying is that she is a servant and you shouldn't treat her as a friend". I couldn't believe my ears. " but mom, she IS my friend, my BEST friend for that matter and she is a human being not a piece of garbage!" She lifted her shoulders in a way only my mother could: "All I am saying Lianna, is that you should be carefull about who you spend your time around. Your a lady an you should behave like one." She wiped her mouth, stood up and left. Just like that, the argument was over and the mother had won again.

After like a million servants cleaned our breakfast, I went to my mother who was in her 'letterroom' as she called it. When she saw me she took a deep breath: "Lianna, I have to tell you something" I looked at her and I knew this wasn't going to be pleasant, she smiled...
"You are leaving tomorrow morning" My eyes jumped open:" what! Where?" She had this glorious spark in her eyes, like she really believed she did something amazing. " I have arranged a marriage for you, you are 16 Leanna, and a noble Lady from the house of Delacroix, you should be married".
I wanted to scream and run away, my mother always told me that she wouldn't marry me off because it would be dangerous for my heart. Speaking of wich: my heart was racing, and hurting, it was like horses where pulling on either side and they where breaking it apart.
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I tried to keep calm but my head was exploding, I wanted to scream a thousand things, but all I could push out of my mouth was: "who?"
My mother looked at me and she smiled: "The prince"...

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