Oh no, I hope Simon doesn't do anything stupid after he's had a few drinks. I'll have to keep an eye on him and stay sober so he doesn't get himself into trouble.

Me: Okay, great

Minter: Well, idk about you but I have editing to do, so I'll talk to you later

Me: Yeah, me too, bye

Minter: See ya

Simon's POV:

I am dreading tomorrow. I know it's my choice when I tell them, but I can't keep hiding this. That doesn't stop me from worrying though, worrying that they won't accept me or I'll ruin things. I'm gonna do it, though, I've got to do it at some point, so why not now? I've been thinking about it for a while, I've built myself up to do it, I have Josh by my side, and his support just makes this that little bit easier.

But what do I say? Do I just come out with it "oh, by the way guys, I'm gay"? Do I make some long shitty speech to explain? Do I apologise? What do I do?

Me: Josh?

I didn't have to wait long for a reply.

Zerker: Yeah?

Me: How do I tell them tomorrow? Like what do I say?

Zerker: I'd say it's up to you, but maybe get everyone gathered in one room, get their attention and say something like "Guys I have something to tell you, I'm gay" just as simple as that

Me: That's probably gonna be the easiest way to tell them, I'm just scared I'll back out at the last second bc I'll realise it's a stupid decision to tell them so soon

Zerker: You won't back out, I won't let you if you've already got to that stage, okay? If you want to back out before then, I'll support you in that decision too, but if you've already got everyone's attention, you need to tell them

Me: Thanks Josh, I honestly think I would have gone crazy or done something stupid if I didn't have your support and friendship every step of the way

Me: I'm actually glad now that you found me that day, though I hate that you had to see me at my lowest, bc I don't think I would have told you otherwise

Zerker: It's okay Si, honestly, I'm always gonna be here, you don't have to worry about that

I couldn't stop the smile that was forming on my face. This guy means so much to me, he's helped me and supported me more than I could have ever asked for, and I don't ever want to lose him.

Me: Thank you

I wanted to continue the conversation, to just talk to Josh for hours because he made me smile. But I knew I couldn't, I'm already stopping him, and myself, from editing so it's not fair to stop him for any longer. I'll just talk to him tomorrow.

They Didn't Know (A Minizerk Fanfiction) {HIATUS}Where stories live. Discover now