Chapter 1

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This is sick, I thought as I lay down on my couch staring at the ceiling. Chris "Steve Rogers" Evans living across from my apartment. In this not so god-forsaken apartment.

What the hell!

Don't get me wrong I'm both excited and terrified cause, well hell, I dunno he's been my crush since 1st grade and that I might be working with him. I mean, not with him like an actress or some fancy thingy like that but I mean I might be anyone's P.A. on this epic film his doing. 

I should've said "for him" then.

Shit. My brains all muddled and I've not even met him yet!

I took a deep breath and stood up. Brushed my teeth and drank water. No breakfast today. I'm so nervous I don't think my stomach can take anything other than water. I peeked outside and slowly, slowly, went out my door.


I froze and looked at my next door neighbor and longtime friend, Luke. Furiously looked at him. In which he looked at me like I'm losing it.

"You're losing it." Luke said, exasperation in his voice.

Well, that explains the look.

I didnt say anything, just hurriedly went downstairs. Luke just behind me.

"This is so exciting!" He gushed "I mean, them renting this whole apartment for 6 months for all of us! And I thought the big stars will be in a hotel!"

I didnt say anything, again, and just focused on getting my car keys as we're nearing the apartments exit.

Its not really big of a deal when you think about it. Its normal for a production to rent a whole "building" (if you consider 4 floors and just about 100 rooms a building) for its crew. And yes, usually the big stars get to stay in their expensive hotels, but this time this one big star decided to stay with the crew. Which sucks...for me. And Yey! for everyone else. Especially to my friend Luke, who's so gay you can feel his gayness from way over yonder. Maybe thats why we clicked as friends. His fun and I'm a fan of fun. In short, I just laugh at his jokes and antics most of the time and he gets to feel like he's doing the world some good by letting me tag along on his adventures. Adventures that I would otherwise will never even try. Oh, the pain of being so shy.

"....and so it means we'll see him every blessed day for 6 months and..." He babbled on about our famous floor mate.

Great, I thought. Just what I need. Deep blue eyes and gorgeous smiles as I work my ass off for 6 months. Its not like I'm expecting him to pay attention to me or hit on me, I mean gawd no way! Me?! Totally not his type! No way near playboy playmate! But...I hate awkward feels. Call me anti-social... And when I dont feel comfortable I'm rude. Like a trapped dog. Or Steve Rogers on that street corner ha! No but really, I cant be rude cause, well, this is work! I need this...

I have to stop babbling to myself.

I really hate awkward feels...

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