Chapter 1: Blocks

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(F/n)'s POV


It's a game I, (F/n) (L/n), know all too well. In fact, it's my favorite video game of all-freaking-time! I know all the tricks and secrets, all crafting recipes, the best places to mine- everything! Heck, I'm practically a pro!

 But one night, here I am, fighting back sleep, and staying awake to try and beat the Ender Dragon. It took while, but hey, I'm finally here in full diamond gear. 

Lighting flashes, as thunder crackles shortly afterwards. Rain is pouring, tapping against my bedroom window. The heavy droplets of water are annoying and loud, but I ignore them. The wind is wailing noisily. And just a few more hits until the Ender Dragon's dead... 

I feel my eyes starting to droop. My head begins to fall back, and- Wait, no! 'Don't fall asleep just yet. You need to beat this thing.' I thought determinedly. Squinting my eyes and fighting back a yawn, I leaned in closer to the screen.

"Almost... There..." I murmured. I can do this, I can do this, I can do this...

But unconsciously, I fell back into my chair. Lightning flashes one again, and the screen goes black. The power must've gone out. I wouldn't've noticed though; sleep had already overtaken me. 


I open my eyes, not really aware of my surroundings just yet. I blink multiple times and sit up, stretching. I yawned, covering my mouth as I do so. I have to squint; my eyes need to adjust to the brightness. I don't remember opening my curtains. It must've been the wind. It also feels quit warm from where I'm sitting.

But wait. I'm in my chair, not my bed. My blanket is on the bed. I fell asleep on my chair as I fought the Ender Dragon. Remembering last night's events, I gave a loud groan.

"Dammit, I almost had it!" I complain like a cranky child. But after my outburst, I flinch from the sound of startled animals. My eyes snap wide open. I take in my surroundings- green grass, dandelions, blue skies, oak trees, and pigs, sheep, and cows. But everything is in blocks.

I gasp and jump to my feet. Am I in the world of Minecraft? If I am, it's freaking awesome!

"This is incredible!" I shriek at the top of my lungs, causing the poor animals around me to run around blindly in distress. I laugh, but I suddenly become silent. This must be a dream. It has to be. 

"It's impossible." I say out loud, trying to convince myself. A pig made it's way up to me. It looked up at me, as if saying, 'Looks possible to me.'

I sighed, smiling. I crouched down and reached out an arm to pet it. ...Hey, my arm is different. I looked down only to find instead of me, I'm Minecraft me. As in my Minecraft skin. I guess even I'm in blocks. The pig nuzzled its head into the palm of my hand.

"Better make the most of this dream." I whispered. The pig oinks cheerfully, and I stand up again. "Welp, see you later, buddy." I shrug and decide if I want this dream to work out properly, I better start collecting wood.

I walk up to a random tree and start punching. Crap, it actually kind of hurt. I mean, what would I expect, I'm punching a tree! I chuckle to myself and continue to punch some trees until I got an amount of wood that satisfied me.


I look behind me to find that the same pig was following me. I raised an eyebrow. "Not trying to be rude, but don't you have anything better to do?" I ask the pig. The pig tilts its head to the side. I shrug again and continue what I was doing. 

Now, time to create planks. I then freeze. I don't know how to make planks. After all, I'm a world where I'm actually in the world.

"How do I even..." I muttered in frustration.


I snapped my head to the pig, who sat down next to me. It wore a bored expression on it's face, as if it knew things I didn't. I glared at the pig; it seemed to be mocking me. The pig stood up and made its way over to the bunch of wood I dropped on the floor. It collected them and seemed to be showing the wood to me. 

"Yeah, it's wood. Now what?" I said awkwardly. Why am I talking to a pig again?


The pig held out the wood in its hand, and what looked like to be a blue stream of light, swirled around the oak. The wood started fading into oak planks, and my eyes widened. My 12 pieces of wood had turned to 48 oak planks.

"Whoa." I breathed.

The pig smugly 'oink'ed, making me roll my eyes. "Thanks." I grudgingly muttered. Hey, it's embarrassing to get taught by a pig, alright? Now... Time to make a crafting table.

The pig oinked again. I turned to it. It shook its head, gesturing for me to continue.

"I- er, still dunno how to go about this." I said awkwardly. The pig oinked in annoyance.

"What?" I asked. The pig, once again, oinked. And I, one again, asked, "What?"

Snorting loudly, the pig pointed to its own noggin. "Your... Head?" I questioned. I squinted my eyes, confused. The pig seemed to make a groaning sound. It pointed to my head this time.

"Huh? Use my head?" In response, the pig made an oddly good thinking expression. It placed a hoof to its chin and tapped it, looking up to the sky, before looking back at me.

"I need to... Think hard about what I want to make?" I asked. The pig nodded violently. "...And I need to be determined that it's what I really need?" Again, the pig nodded and excitedly jumped up and down.

I held four of my oak planks in my hand, tossing down the rest. I thought hard.

'I really, REALLY need a crafting table right now. ...I REALLY need it to be able to make stuff. Like a pickaxe, a sword, a cake... Crap, now that I think about it, I'm getting hungry,' I thought, 'Please, I REALLY need a crafting table!'

I wasn't disappointed when suddenly, a blue light swirled around the oak planks and they turned into one crafting table.

"Alrighty, thanks, pig!" I grinned. The pig oinked happily and nodded. "Well... Bye." 

I started to walk away, but the pig trailed not too far behind me. I looked over my shoulder. "You wanna come with me?" I asked, laughing. The pig nodded.

'Oink, oink!'

"I guess you better," I chuckled, running a hand through my hair, "I don't really know the literally, in-game controls." The pig hops up and down excitedly. "Well, what should I call you, hm?" I asked, leaning down and placing my hands on my thighs. I remember Minecraft Story Mode, an adventure game based off of Minecraft. What was the pig's name again? Oh yeah, Rueben.

"How about Rueben? Rueben the Second." I suggested in honor of the MCSM pig. The pig, or shall I say, Rueben seemed to like the name because he happily oinked many time.

Rueben jumped into my arms, knocking my backwards.

"RUEBEN-" but we were already on the ground, laughing and oinking like idiots. I playfully shoved Rueben off of me, he fell onto his back. "Crap, are you okay?" I chuckled. But my eyes landed on Rueben's crotch area.

"Wait, Rueben, you're a girl?"

Word count: 1234 words

Note from Chryssi-chan: I'm starting a new book about what would happen if you had been sucked into the game of Minecraft. Let me know if you want more! I still need to update on my main book too... I dunno if it'll be as successful, but I just really like the idea of instead of someone's OC being sucked into the game, it'll be the reader.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2017 ⏰

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