The Late Practice

Start from the beginning

He opened his mouth to speak but closed it quickly.

"I know my father like the back of my hand, Potter. Don't try to trick me into a friendship with you. Because every time that happens, you and your friends do something to ruin it." I grabbed my broom and bat, "just let it go, Potter. We may be cousins but we aren't friends." I turned to leave the pitch.

"Dumbledore!" James called after me, "if you leave you're off the team!"

I turned to face him, still walking backwards, "really Potter? Is that a promise?" I smirked, "your threatening won't work on me, especially since I didn't even want to be on the team. You begged me to join, so go ahead, kick me off."

He grimaced, "just get in the air and I'll let you lob bludgers all you want during practice." He sighed, rubbing his temples.

New girl, who was standing behind James, right next to Sirius, spoke up quietly. "Is that safe?"

Sirius turned to answer her, "nope. Not even in the slightest bit."

I smirked, "watch your back, new girl, Potter just signed you up for a visit to the hospital wing."

"Alright, that's enough, she's your team mate. Be nice and stop threatening her, she does have a name, you know." James glared.

I shrugged, "I know she has a name, doesn't mean I care enough to learn it. Seems pretty tiring to remember a new name, I'll stick with new girl. And they aren't threats if I plan to fulfill them." I gave a wicked smirk, mischief gleaming in my eyes.

"Sorry I'm late, James," someone new joined us on the field, "McGonagall had me stay after with her for thirty minutes because I caused some troubles during class."

I grinned, facing Cai as she ran onto the pitch. She was breathing heavily, doubled over from her run over here.

"It's okay, Hunter, we were just about to start." James nodded to the girl, he spoke in an authoritative voice, calling her by her surname.

Cai Hunter was a girl I had known for years. Of course we never talked to each other that much, we were still somewhat friends. And she was pretty cool to be around. We didn't really have to talk, more of just a silent friend that didn't feel the need to explain herself or her intentions, she was basically her own person. She didn't let anyone tell her what to do or influence her decision. That was why we got along. That and her ability to allow people to be themselves. She didn't ever question someone, just let them be.

"Hey Cai, guess what Potter's letting me do," I smirked.

Her face became horrified, "James, you aren't letting her have free reign again, are you? Last time that happened the pitch was destroyed! We had to spend twenty minutes repairing everything!" Her French accent was more prominent when she got worked up, which was very rare. She too was expelled from Beauxbaton's. Only a year after me.

I grinned, "yup."

She sighed, "let's get this over with."

We headed for the locker room, where Max, our other chaser was waiting. He was already dressed, like me. Max was the silent and strong type, until it came to Quidditch. Then he was loud and demanding. He was a nice guy, we were on first name basis.

"Hey Max, how're you?" I questioned, sitting on the bench by him.

He opened his mouth to speak, but James interrupted. "Dumbledore, take Thirwall back to get a locker."

"Who is Thirwall and why do I have to do it? Do it yourself." I spoke defiantly, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Callie Thirwall is your new team mate," he gestured to new girl. "Take her to get her locker, I'm not going back there with Hunter dressing. Last time that happened I got a giant bruise on my head from her throwing a brush at me."

I rolled my eyes, "whatever." I started off to the far end of the locker room. The locker room was split into three parts. The entrance, where we sat to discuss plays and whatnot. The left side which was the where the girls changed. And the right side where the guys dressed.

I didn't look back to see if she was following me, I pushed the door open and entered, hopefully she was smart enough to follow. Sure enough, she was right behind me, when I stopped in front of a locker, far from mine, she bumped into me. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean-"

I cut her off with a look. "Okay let's get one thing straight, new girl. Leave me alone and I'll leave you alone. Only speak to me if it is absolutely, one hundred and fifty percent necessary. I don't want you near me, I don't want you looking at me, I don't want you thinking of me. Got it?"

She was quiet for a second, looking at me to see if I was serious. She finally nodded, "okay."

"Good, now this is your locker." I hit the metal door with my fist, "your uniform will be in there, along with pads for game day. You don't need those for practice, but you might want to put them on today. Today is my day."

She looked confused, "your day?" She asked softly, "what does that-" she stopped suddenly after realizing that I wasn't listening to her.

Cai, who had been watching the entire scene with amusement came to the girl. "Don't take it personal. She's like that with everyone."

"What did she mean by it being her day?" New girl asked.

"Today is the day that James let's her go all out. She can hit the bludgers as hard as she wants at anyone she wants. So watch your back. You don't just have quaffles coming for you, you have bludgers as well." Cai explained, helping her with the straps of her shoulder pads.

"But why would-?"

"James let her go?" Cai raised an eyebrow, "he thinks it'll make you better, you don't put down your guard. If you can survive Bex hitting you with bludgers, everyone else is a piece of cake." She smirked, glancing at me from where I sat on the bench, watching unamused. "As much as she hates it, Bex is the best beater Hogwarts has seen in along time. She's better than most professionals. And that's when she doesn't play her hardest. Imagine her playing to her fullest ability."

"So why does she hate me?" The new girl glanced at me before quickly looking away.

"Ignore it, she's just trying to get under your skin. She acts that way towards everyone who gets in her way. Don't let it bother you and she'll leave you alone. She's just trying to get a reaction, she's trying to mess with your mind. And by acting the way you are, letting her, it's making her hate you more. She wants someone to fight back, to push her back; not just let her walk all over them." Cai chuckled, "it'll get better, you'll get used to her attitude. And she'll get used to you, eventually you won't be new anymore and she'll lose interest."

The new girl nodded, "alright."

"Come on, time for practice. Word of advice: jut because she is focusing on something else, that doesn't mean she can't hit a bludger your way at the same time."

"What?" New girl asked in confusion.

"She can hit a bludger and knock someone off their broom without even looking. She can play a game of Quidditch perfectly with her eyes closed. She never misses." Cai smirked at the scared look in the new girls eyes. "Always pay attention. Because if you aren't, she is. Just be lucky she's on your team and James only let's these things happen once every two weeks. It's enough time to heal before the next Bex day."

I stood, following as Cai lead new girl out of the locker room and to the field. I smirked, "let the games begin."

So I have another snow day! :) what do you guys think? Your starting to learn a little more about Callie and Cai has been introduced!
Comment, vote, share, fan and follow! Thanks guys!

Cai Hunter is the original character of @Writer_in_the_Dark she's an amazing writer and you guys should really check out her profile! She has stories about Cai, the real Cai. The Cai I'm writing is basically my own version of her Cai based off of the things she listed for me. Thanks!

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