The Mission Part 2 ( continiation of the mission)

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Kai's POV
Jinorra had been asleep for a while now. She was beautiful with or without the bruises. I knew I had to be strong for her, but now that she was asleep tears came down my cheeks. I was supposed to protect her. She was the love of my life and I let her get hurt. Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled I didn't even bother talking. I kissed her and she gave in, putting her hand on my cheek. The kiss was soft and passionate. The kiss ended when Jonyin came in and grabbed Jinorra.
" No Jinorra! Don't you touch her Jonyin, if you do I'll kill you." I said with anger and fury.
He didn't care for my stupid threat. In fact he walked out and slapped Jinorra. She screamed and was dragged off down the hallway. As I lay on the floor hoping nothing will happen to her I started to cry. I cried so hard my eyes were turning red.
Jinorra' s POV
Jonyin put me back in that room, but now there was a bed against the wall with straps on the side. I knew was Jonyin was planning to do. His hand ran along my thy, but I swatted it away. With that he slapped me an the side of my head it hurt, but I didn't show emotion. He then strapped me to the bed. Locking my arms then my legs. Once again he kissed me. I used air bending to push him off of me. He flew across the room and hit the wall and passed out. I slipped out of the restraint on my right hand, then tried to get the restraints off my other limbs. By the time I got free Jonyin was becoming conscious again. I ran for the door, but he grabbed me. He pushed me against the wall and began undoing my flight suit. I tried to push him off of me, but it was no use he was too strong. He kissed my neck and I screamed as his lips made their way down my body. I wanted someone to hear me, to help me before this went too far. He put his hands my bare hips and slid down my thy's. I started screaming and crying.
" Please! Stop! Someone help me. Kai please help me!"

Kai's POV
I heard Jinorra's screams.
" Kai please help me!"
I heard it over and over again. I wanted to jump in and save her.
I screamed at the guard defending my door. " You monster! How could you let him take her. Do you not have children at home. Wouldn't you want it to stop!"
He didn't even turn around. I wanted to air bend the shit out of that guard and Jonyin, but these fucking chains were stopping me.
" She's gonna be fine Kai. She's strong and powerful. She'll be able to take whatever that asshole throws at her." Bolin said trying to put my mind at ease.
" Now try to get some sleep." He said laying his head on Opal's, which had been laying on Bolin's shoulder. I laid on the conked stone floor trying to block out Jinorra' s screams.

Hi guys!!
This is my first story so I hope you guys liked it. I enjoyed the Mission fanfic so much I just couldn't have it end like that so I would like to thank @justagirl926 for a great fanfic.

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