"You two are up earlier than I thought." He commented, and Will demanded as he strode over: "Why didn't you return last night?"

"You locked me out." Jack reminded him, and Will said in exasperation: "You could have gotten a spare key!"

"Where's the fun in that lad?" Jack shrugged, and Annalise commented a little dryly: "Yes, we can see you had fun last night."

"Hmm?" Jack asked, before glancing down at his attire.

He smirked and then looked back up at her as he asked suggestively: "Why, are you jealous, love?"

"Keep dreaming, Sparrow." Annalise returned, while Will interjected, annoyed: "Where's Mr. Gibbs?"

"We agreed to meet at nine on the docks." Jack replied as he stood up, stretching a little and Annalise averted her eyes as the movement exposed more of Jack's chest.

He noticed, and smirked at her while she scowled, a little embarrassed, and Will frowned at Jack.

But Jack went on before Will could say anything: "We still have some time, so if you two want to get breakfast now would be the time."

Annalise's stomach growled at the thought of food, to her intense embarrassment and Jack's amusement. His eyes glittered with mirth as he looked at her, while Annalise pointedly didn't meet his eyes and Will coughed before he cleared his throat.

"Breakfast it is." He said awkwardly, and Jack finally cracked and laughed while Annalise made a face.


"Feast your eyes, Captain." Gibbs said proudly as they walked before the raggedy group the first mate had gathered. "All of them, faithful hands before the mast, every man worth his salt."

Annalise blinked as they reached what initially appeared to be a gap in the line of scruffy men, only to look down to see a man maybe three to four feet tall standing there.

Will also blinked while Jack simply glanced down as Mr. Gibbs added: "And crazy to boot."

"So this is your able-bodied crew?" Will asked skeptically, glancing down the line.

Annalise couldn't help but share his doubt as she looked at a few of the men who looked as though they had definitely seen better days. Compared to the spotless men she was used to seeing in the British Navy, this group did seem rather... inadequate.

Jack paused, looking at the crew thoughtfully as he slowly walked a little further down the line. Will and Annalise followed him, watching him curiously as he eyed each person, before stopping before an elderly gentlemen with a blue and yellow parrot sitting on his left shoulder.

"You, sailor!" Jack called, and Gibbs informed him: "Cotton, sir."

"Mr. Cotton." Jack said firmly as he stared the other man down. "Do you have the courage and fortitude to follow orders and stay true in the face of danger and almost certain death?"

Mr. Cotton glanced at Gibbs, not replying, and Annalise raised a brow in surprise at the man's nerve while Jack snapped impatiently: "Mr. Cotton! Answer, man."

"He's a mute, sir." Mr. Gibbs interjected quickly. "Poor devil had his tongue cut out, so he trained the parrot to talk for him."

Cotton opened his mouth to show them his cut tongue, making Jack physically reel back and right into Annalise while she and Will stared at Cotton in shock.

Jack was busy making a horrified face, as Mr. Gibbs added thoughtfully: "No one's yet figured how."

Annalise shot a glance at Will, who shrugged back as Jack paused before he ordered: "Mr. Cotton 's... parrot. Same question."

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