Meet Jack, Raf and Miko

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Disclaimer: I do not own transformers prime, I only own my OC


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Xena's pov

7 years later...

I woke up when I heard knocking at the door, I heard it open
:Up you get you've got school: Bumblebee said and I groaned and buried my head into the pillow
'Do I have to?' I mumbled
:Yes now come on and get up: the door closed. Once I had a shower, got changed and grabbed my cane, I went to the main part of the base so I could have a ride to school from Bee, he always drop's me off around the corner so it didn't track to much attention. Once I got to school my friend Raf waited for me. I've known Raf since I started school here, but he doesn't know my family secret so he can't come over but he doesn't mind.
'Hey Xena' I heard Raf say and I felt my cheeks heat up slightly. He might be my best friend but I've had a crush on him for over a year but I kept it to myself.
'Hiya' I replied with my Welsh accent, even though I had lived in Jasper sine I was five, I didn't lose my accent. I held onto Raf's arm as he led me into the school. Today we had the same classes except I had mobility* first lesson, then go to maths, study at break for a Spanish test third lesson, forth art which I had no idea why they put me in that class. What were they thinking. Then we had lunch and lastly we had dance. Once the day was done I went outside to wait for bee. Raf came up to me
'Hey Xena can I ask you something?' he asked
I nodded but before he could say anything I heard a familiar horn go off
'Sorry Raf, but I got to go' I used my cane to find my way to him, on the way home we got a call from Arcee saying she needed help so bee sped off. Bee told me to get out when he stopped and I did exactly that. When I got out I heard bumblebee transform and started shooting
'Xena' I turned around at the sound of Raf's voice
'Raf what are you doing here?' I asked but instead of an answer he shouted
'Leave him alone' I was quite confused but when I heard footsteps he grabbed my arm and we started to sprint, I could hear another boy running next to us.
'Come on, come on' he shouted at us as we ran into somewhere but I didn't know where, I heard a loud metal clang.
'Thank you' Raf said
:You're welcome and Xena go with them I'll come get you later: he said and I nodded
'What did we just see?' Raf asked
'No idea and I don't want to find out' he said and we started jogging.

Raf's pov

We were walking along the highway, I was still holding Xena's arm because she didn't have her cane on her
'So Xena how did you meet that yellow robot?' Jack asked and she looked a bit surprised that he knew her name and to be honest so did I
'How do you know my name?' she asked with a bit of curiosity in her voice
'Um. . . well everybody knows your name, you're the only blind girl in our school' He told her as she tilted her head like she does when she's confused but just lets it slide
'So. . .' she asked 'What's your name?' I knew she was on about jack because she already knew me. He was about to answer when there was a loud "You got the touch!" sound and she started to blush and she answered it
'Hello' she answered and there was mumbling on it
'Yeah dad, I'm fine' more mumbling
'No I'm not hurt, I'm with my friends' there was definitely a sigh. Suddenly I remembered what I was going to ask Xena after school
'Xena can I talk to your dad' she handed the phone to me
'Hello, Mr Pax, it's Raf, Xena's friend.' I told
;Hello Raf, what can I do for you?; even on the phone he's intimidating. I met Xena's father a few times, he can be quite intimidating because he's so tall but he is quite kind and understanding
'I was going to ask Xena earlier but she left before I could ask. Could she stay over mine tonight, I've already asked my mama and she said it is alright' after I said that, Xena started to plead her dad as well
;Well, I suppose that it would not hurt. Could you put her back on please Rafael; I gave the phone back to Xena
'Thank you Daddy... yes I promise to behave, see you tomorrow' she hung up and did a fist pump, I laughed. We said goodbye to Jack and we went to my house.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2017 ⏰

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