Koharu X Asahi

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Hey guys! Welcome to the first one shot! Here's the story of Koharu and Asahi! :)

Koharu's POV
I wake up early in the morning, realizing that the date with M4 is today.

AHHH!! Even if we're choosing our dates by a lottery game, I still can't get over the fact that we're going on a date with someone from M4! I thought to myself.

I should wake up Yume-chan.

"Yume-Chan. It's morning!" I said, while nudging her.

"Mhmmm. Five more minutes..." She said.

"Come on, Yume-Chan! We have to get ready soon or we'll be late!"

"Late? Late for what?"

"Late for a dates with M4!"

"DATE?!" She said, springing out of bed.

"That got your attention!"

"It is my first date after all... So it's only natural..." She replied.

We both got ready, wearing our "date" clothes that we chose the night before.

Today we were to spend the whole day with M4 to bond with each other in order to do well during our mixed concert.

To decide who was going to pair up with who, we decided that it was only fair to do a lottery. The meeting place was the amusement park so we had our lottery there.

When Yume-Chan and I got there, Mahiru, Laura and Ako were already there waiting for us.

"You guys are late!" Ako said.

"Yume-Chan overslept." I replied.

"Tee-hee!" Yume-Chan said.

"Yo, Boiled Octopus!"

We all turned around and M4 was standing there before us. Of course, they were wearing disguises so they could enjoy their dates with us without any interruptions.

"I brought along the lottery so let's see who is paired up with who! Shall we?" Asahi said.

We all took turns drawing sticks.

Yume got red. Ako got green. Laura and Mahiru got blue. I got yellow.

Ako was paired up with Kanata, I was paired up with Asahi, Laura and Mahiru was paired up with Subaru and Yume and Nozomu was a pair.

~We all went to separate parts of the amusement park with our pairs~

"So what do you want to do first?" I asked Asahi.

"Let's go to the roller coaster!" He replied, while grabbing ahold of my hand.


While we were waiting in line, we talked and just talked. Finding out that we shared some things in common made me really happy.

Ahhh! Why am I so grateful when I found out we like the same things?!

"Come on! Let's get on the roller coaster!" Asahi said.

The worker made sure we were securely strapped to our seats and once he was done checking, he started up the roller coaster.

"This is going to be fun!" Asahi said.

"Y-Yeah..." I replied back.

"What's wrong, Koharu-Chan?" He asked.

"I-I'm just not so great with fast rides..."

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